Just for you Olly
A FREEKin' Awesome day!!!
I know there is another thread on this but I thought I would start a new one for thanks.
In NO paticular order I would like to thank:-
Mick, Mo and the gang, it was a pleasure talking and laughing with you!
Kitch, Love you to death big guy!
The Freekz team, you guys are great on and off the field. Marshalling was top notch guys, you should be proud!
Neil from Heaven for the paint, thanks mate and it was a pleasure meeting you. I will give you a shout in the week.
Spike, good to know there is another old bugger out there

PLANET ECLIPSE, say no more.
Tom and Red from RELENTLESS, it was a pleasure to have you on field with us. Thanks guys youare always welcome.
Big John, thanks for everything mate. Solid as a rock as usual.
The other teams, great games guys, many thanks.
Jon's Happy Snax, our newest sponsor

Concept Wear
"Knobber" Clothing Inc
Absolute Paintball.net
Pete (silverbike) had some good chats mate
And everyone involved.
It was a pleasure to be there
Thanks guys, see you for the next one

Nige and 2Hott4U!!!
Now as for lazy, it took me ages to copy and paste that
