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Inter uni tournament CANCELLED

Rich S

Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2002
Technically no one confirmed cuz no one actually sent me money to book stuff even tho they had about 8 weeks to organise themselves.

Sleeping Beauty

Look ... I got a star !!
Feb 1, 2002
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Start Organising Now

Why don't you start organising NOW for a tourney next year and then all those lazy students have plenty of time to think about getting sorted... then forget.... then be reminded ... then forget .. then remember ... then forget .... then be reminded ... then you may actually get some money in off them and have a tournament at the end of the year - (maybe!)


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Organising now for next years tourney is a cracking idea, but for the permanent problem which student paintball suffers from - every year a new crop! every now and then you get lucky (or unlucky as case may be) like Pompey did with me, and find someone who's destined to be a student for ever, but apart from that....

However, it's a damn fine idea.

So, anyone at a uni - even if you are graduating this summer - lets get the ball rolling for the 1st Inter-Uni Paintball Cup, scheduled for when?

Whenever we arrange it for will cause problems for students getting there, as if we say 1st weekend of Easter hols (say), some will be away, some will be still in lectures. Trying to co-ordinate a 6 week easter (which some slackers get) and somewhere like Pompeys 2 weeks is a pain.

Right, listen up student slackers, if your uni currently has a team/club/bunch of mates who play regular, get it sorted. make sure there's gonna be a group who are up for it next year.
If your a paintballer at a uni without a club, then get started now - yes, that means you. Every uni club started with one person, so why not make that person you?

Anyways, lets start a mini-poll - students have your say - Easter or early Summer?

And lets get this thing going!

Alex Hicks.

Just your average lunatic
Jul 14, 2001
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Tried this approach last year even mailed every union in the country finding out if they had a club. At that point it was a whole year to possible tournament date. However me swappping uni's and losing my email account probably didn't help. By the time pomey realised DUPS wern't gonna get their asses into gear it was almost too late. And students are ******* lazy!!!!!!!!!!!