Thanks man, i'll poss see u soon anyhow.
Also, how is the factory hunting going, anything in the pipeline, anymore viewings arranged?
When can we expect to be open?
he reckons towards the End of Fed however he is still arrannging a price with his warehouse..
I think insurance is now sorted but that has to be finalised as well.
We also has to arrange a day with his investors to view the premises... which should be sometime this week..
I reckon if he keeps to scedule then the end of feb is very much in sight
but you know what his life's like (alright babe) lol whers my f**** test sticker gone
Lets just hope she doesn't come into the warehouse and decides to clean the 2nd floor, HELL! it could all cave in and we could all be ending up on the 1st.
Damn he's leaving us no time atall to come in and set up the scenario floors, have we any contacts for any materials yet, for that matter, have we a plan for what type of scenario's we havin?