It's true you could 'Rip' someone off, then again I'm a Plat and I could do the same no matter what the post count...This may not have started as a commercial site but it surely is now.The lead thread on the home page is robbo selling his new gun!!
Come on! Thats his privelege of course but the irony of this whole conversation.........is that im on 8 posts and soon i can sell and rip anybody off if i was so inclined.
All the more reason to introduce a feedback system for sellers and take a % for the site for which I for one would have no problem with.P8 provides a safe enviroment and gets rewarded accordingly.
It's mainly to stop people from coming straight on here to sell something and rip someone off as they may think '10 Posts it's not worth the hassle'
It also stops people 'Circumventing' a Ban by going straight onto the Classifieds without a Mod seeing that they spammed 10 posts in first.
I accept what you're saying but i'm just giving another way of viewing it.