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Indoor Walkon 24th September 6pm @ The Asylum!!


Save a Drum, Beat a Box
Mar 23, 2009
Chester, Cheshire
I remember you from NQ Pidgeon :) I was wearing the white I4s and shootin a Geo. If you was on red team, I might of gotten you in the speedball right off the break, I got a few that first time :p
I remember you now dude!
You got a bouncer off my left NUT on the speed ball break you F***ER right stinger haha

Walking Pigeon off the field was one of the highlights of the night for me ;)
hahaha I was tryin to turn my marker off b4 leavin the field an you helped me on my way, mo fo lol :rolleyes:

Really great night guys!! Love the atmosphere, it's just a great set of ballers playing the way it's meant to be played!!
I agree Ronnie, it is a crackin night! Proper chilled jus get on a play! Good Stuff!
Lookin forward to goin again! :D
See you all again soon!