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Indoor Tourney Letdown

Oct 30, 2001
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not to worry

Originally posted by Northern Twat
Its ok we played your last game for u , mix of tinys team and team arron ,we won u will be pleased to know but....................we gave the points to the other team :)

We guested for a team called aftermath (Me tj and lj) We was disapointed to find that there was only 6 games however i have not played in 3 months. Personally i had a wicked time along with the rest of the guys who enjoyed it too.

I feel the fustration that you feel Mrdan as when we found out there was only 6 games we was a little miffed.
But all in all the Marchelling and Format was pretty good...... which almost made up for the lack of games in some way!

Its ashame we cant use that Venue for indoor Training Trough the Winter as that would of been ace!


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
Had a top day good ball, and the late start was a bit better than getting up at stupid o’clock in the morning.
My only gripe was that you sheet of your games only had the games you were playing, so you didn’t know who was in front of you. So you spent a lot of time sitting there and waiting. On the sheet you had a game number. Why cant that be displayed on feild.to show you how far or long you have to wait.

Also that I left my spare gun down buy the cronie station buy field 2 and some one has had it off..........:mad: :eek:


Spitfire Factory
Sep 5, 2004
Ion Noob
Originally posted by satchmo84
And Mac, get your arguement facts ready before you make a cock of yourself.
I think he is asking a question more thank putting an argument across.

Regardless of it being a question or not I think it highlights the lack of communication between us and the organiser.

As for the paintball we did get in, I had a great time playing some great games.

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
The price for 5 or 6 games was a big over the top. Ive had double the amount of games at some tournaments for the same price :(

We made a mistake with our teams thinking it would be div 1 the toughest down to div 4. Then our best team that we put out came lowest out of all 3 :D

Although I was absolutely knackered from partying till 4.30, then getting picked up from Nottingham at 6, I had a great day, a more relaxed attitude meant everyone could just play ball and have a laugh.

Oh and John C, dont leave 4 players in the corners and you'll get more ball ;) although it did make it entertaining when someone went to mug the corners and there were another 2 or 3 there!


Keith's Sisters Room
Mar 30, 2005
Rotten North
Originally posted by johnmassive

it highlights the lack of communication between us and the organiser.
Maybe your nieve to believe that the lack of communication was on our behalf, but i didn't remember us having the public address system.

Also how hard is it to puit up on a scoreboard if somebody is a no show.


New Member
Feb 13, 2002
Right, in aswer to some of these points, yes 4 teams pulled out (1 in each div) we heard from 1 of them (Sabre) late Friday but the other 3 I've still not heard anything from. There was no way we could have re-done the schedule, impossible!
So yes, everyone had 1 less game, which was announced after the first 2 rounds when we knew for sure they weren't going to turn up. It was also announced an the PA system every time there was to be a game against these teams that they were a no-show.
I think the problem with Spitfire Factory might have been when you asked who hadn't turned up and were told it was Halloween, you might have assumed that was HPG (2 different teams).

Thanks to all the teams that did turn up, most of which said they had a great time.
Originally posted by Nicola–Phoenix
Right, in aswer to some of these points, yes 4 teams pulled out (1 in each div) we heard from 1 of them (Sabre) late Friday but the other 3 I've still not heard anything from. There was no way we could have re-done the schedule, impossible!
So yes, everyone had 1 less game, which was announced after the first 2 rounds when we knew for sure they weren't going to turn up. It was also announced an the PA system every time there was to be a game against these teams that they were a no-show.
I think the problem with Spitfire Factory might have been when you asked who hadn't turned up and were told it was Halloween, you might have assumed that was HPG (2 different teams).

Thanks to all the teams that did turn up, most of which said they had a great time.
Halloween did not turn up was my fault as I am ill and was ment to take the players up there. I tried till the last minute to organize a replacment driver, but the one I had in mind bloody broke his wrist!

So the left over Halloween guys merged into the HPG lot.

Sorry guys! I wish I could have played. Is the first event I have ever missed due to illness.

Cheers to my guys for trying keep it going!


It certainly was an unfortunate set of circumstances that created this problem.

Nicola is probably correct that some of the confusion was due to two teams called halloween and HPG, however we were told by people involved that two teams had dropped out of our division.

We cant really blame the organisers for teams dropping out.

However it is the organisers responsibility to make sure there is enough room in the kitting up area for all the teams that attend. This wasnt the case so we were stuck kitting up in the middle of a walkway for spectators.

This left us out of the loop regarding who was playing and when etc..

Who knows where the other teams that didnt turn up were supposed to kit up???

Nicola we had a great time also.
The games we played were top quality, well marshalled and the fields were great.

We were left wanting more, so its frustrating to hear afterwards that we missed a game we had paid for.
(we WERE told that two teams had dropped out of our division)

I certainly want to play the next indoor if I can afford it.

PS Mike from Brum, Im not sure what you mean, I dont remember a game where we put 4 players in one particular spot.
Care to clarify???
