The tournament is an open event - any team can attend, rookie, nov, am, or pro. The number of divisions will depend on the number of teams that book in, though I aniticipate two-to-three division - teams will be seeded together according to their skill level.
As for spectators, yeh there's a walkway all the way around the site which is netted off for safe spectator viewing. I would check closer to the time just to make sure that it's not going to me a bit manic - it's looking like a popular tourney. You can keep updated by joining the Southwest Paintball mailing list - visit www.southwestpaintball.co.uk and use the join feature on the right hand side of the page.
As for spectators, yeh there's a walkway all the way around the site which is netted off for safe spectator viewing. I would check closer to the time just to make sure that it's not going to me a bit manic - it's looking like a popular tourney. You can keep updated by joining the Southwest Paintball mailing list - visit www.southwestpaintball.co.uk and use the join feature on the right hand side of the page.