No, get a automag cos it has a mega cool function that kicks every other guns ass because it is mega leet!
Jesus guys, he wants to buy a gun and needs ADVICE on what to get. Not 'cockers are godlike' or 'impys rip'... how is that going to help him decide?!?
What ya wanna do mate is have a look at both, one idea if you dont want to ask people is get on down to a tourney and just watch the guns shooting. But always better to have a shot with both and see what ya prefer. Anyway as with all guns, they can be better or worse depending on how you play, where on the field you play, what gas and hopper and barrel you use with it, and how much you fine tune it or add components. One guy once said to me 'Screw it, just buy any gun that you can afford and LEARN to use it.' The marker will adapt your playing style to suit it
Hope this helps,