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IMHO, Dynasty needs to switch to the NXL.


New Member
Mar 27, 2002
IMHO, Dynasty needs to switch to the NXL. Why? Well, let me explain...

With the most recent NPPL event in New Jersey, there were complaints of numerous questionable calls made by the referees in reference to team Dynasty, and several players and non-players alike stating that a Dynasty team member was left on the field multiple times by the refs with obvious hits all over his body. Even with these hits, he ran down the field to pull and hang the flag for the team.

Now, this isn’t the first time that there have been issues raised regarding Dynasty allegedly cheating during a tournament. In 2002, two Dynasty team members were shooting members on the opposing team from the dead box at the Mardi Gras Open.

Now, here's the real beef in the situation:

Chuck Hendsch is the President of the NPPL. On January 14, 2002, Chuck Hendsch registered "National Professional Paintball League, Inc." with an address in Huntington Beach California. Chuck is the only agent listed on the corporation. He is also listed as the President of the corporation. There are no other names associated with "National Professional Paintball League, Inc."

Additionally, Mr. Hendsch is Captain and owner of Dynasty. So, if Dynasty screws up, and is forced to pay fines, where do they go? Well, to Chuck Hendsch, owner of Dynasty. Needless to say, there has been no mention of fines since the NPPL broke away from Paintball Sports Promotions in 2002.

And, lastly, Chuck Hendsch, as the sole representative of the NPPL, pays the referees that ref the games. Now, I'm not saying that he tells the referees to 'overlook' team Dynasty. But, recent and past complaints regarding team Dynasty may bring about that question among other teams of the league.

There is a clear conflict of interest here, and I think Dynasty should probably choose another league to play in or Chuck should step down as the President of the NPPL and turn the reigns over to someone else. The players perhaps? That's what the NPPL was originally created for anyway, wasn't it?

Call it a hunch, but look for Dynasty to win, again, at the next NPPL tournament.


Jul 9, 2001
We established a long time ago, that like almost any other pro team Dynasty will cheat if they need to in order to win.

I highly doubt that Dynasty will move to the NXL because the nee to distance themselves from Chuck. If they go to the NXL it will because they want to play the best teams in the world, and because they will make a ton of cash.
I dunno, that seems more likely to me.

But if the NPPL/ Millenniums form a World Pro league to be televised, Dynasty could be the stars of that League and make a ton of money, because of their connection to Chuck, which might be more appealing to them than the NXL.


Chuck doesn't own Dynasty any more, so that falls down right away...


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by PaintballChannel
IMHO, Dynasty needs to switch to the NXL. Why? Well, let me explain...

With the most recent NPPL event in New Jersey, there were complaints of numerous questionable calls made by the referees in reference to team Dynasty, and several players and non-players alike stating that a Dynasty team member was left on the field multiple times by the refs with obvious hits all over his body. Even with these hits, he ran down the field to pull and hang the flag for the team.

Now, this isn’t the first time that there have been issues raised regarding Dynasty allegedly cheating during a tournament. In 2002, two Dynasty team members were shooting members on the opposing team from the dead box at the Mardi Gras Open.

Now, here's the real beef in the situation:

Chuck Hendsch is the President of the NPPL. On January 14, 2002, Chuck Hendsch registered "National Professional Paintball League, Inc." with an address in Huntington Beach California. Chuck is the only agent listed on the corporation. He is also listed as the President of the corporation. There are no other names associated with "National Professional Paintball League, Inc."

Additionally, Mr. Hendsch is Captain and owner of Dynasty. So, if Dynasty screws up, and is forced to pay fines, where do they go? Well, to Chuck Hendsch, owner of Dynasty. Needless to say, there has been no mention of fines since the NPPL broke away from Paintball Sports Promotions in 2002.

And, lastly, Chuck Hendsch, as the sole representative of the NPPL, pays the referees that ref the games. Now, I'm not saying that he tells the referees to 'overlook' team Dynasty. But, recent and past complaints regarding team Dynasty may bring about that question among other teams of the league.

There is a clear conflict of interest here, and I think Dynasty should probably choose another league to play in or Chuck should step down as the President of the NPPL and turn the reigns over to someone else. The players perhaps? That's what the NPPL was originally created for anyway, wasn't it?

Call it a hunch, but look for Dynasty to win, again, at the next NPPL tournament.

Bryan, Dynasty win because they are the best team out there and has nothing to do with Chuck or anybody else as Duff has already pointed out.
Ya know what, I would feel embarrassed puttting a post up like yours coz it immediately marks my card as either a fool or in somebody's pocket....or as I suspect, both !


Chuck still has connections with Dynasty? I'm sure he does...just like Jerry has connections with NYX, the Gardners have connections with Philly and so on...paintball is small, people wear many different hats.

Fact is, Dynasty is the best team in the world and that's why they're winning.

Bryan, I'm interested to know what the point of your post is...


EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
Visit site
Originally posted by PaintballChannel
IMHO, Dynasty needs to switch to the NXL. Why? Well, let me explain...

With the most recent NPPL event in New Jersey, there were complaints of numerous questionable calls made by the referees in reference to team Dynasty, and several players and non-players alike stating that a Dynasty team member was left on the field multiple times by the refs with obvious hits all over his body. Even with these hits, he ran down the field to pull and hang the flag for the team.

Now, this isn’t the first time that there have been issues raised regarding Dynasty allegedly cheating during a tournament. In 2002, two Dynasty team members were shooting members on the opposing team from the dead box at the Mardi Gras Open.

Now, here's the real beef in the situation:

Chuck Hendsch is the President of the NPPL. On January 14, 2002, Chuck Hendsch registered "National Professional Paintball League, Inc." with an address in Huntington Beach California. Chuck is the only agent listed on the corporation. He is also listed as the President of the corporation. There are no other names associated with "National Professional Paintball League, Inc."

Additionally, Mr. Hendsch is Captain and owner of Dynasty. So, if Dynasty screws up, and is forced to pay fines, where do they go? Well, to Chuck Hendsch, owner of Dynasty. Needless to say, there has been no mention of fines since the NPPL broke away from Paintball Sports Promotions in 2002.

And, lastly, Chuck Hendsch, as the sole representative of the NPPL, pays the referees that ref the games. Now, I'm not saying that he tells the referees to 'overlook' team Dynasty. But, recent and past complaints regarding team Dynasty may bring about that question among other teams of the league.

There is a clear conflict of interest here, and I think Dynasty should probably choose another league to play in or Chuck should step down as the President of the NPPL and turn the reigns over to someone else. The players perhaps? That's what the NPPL was originally created for anyway, wasn't it?

Call it a hunch, but look for Dynasty to win, again, at the next NPPL tournament.
I very actively reffed at Huntington Beach and attended the refs meeting. I can tell you that there was not the slightest inference towards looking out for any teams. On the JT field where I reffed we reffed Dynasty like any other team. The guys I worked with turn the switch and reffed with no undue respect for any team. I watched them in other games including the finals and never saw them do anything questíonable.

I have reffed them in the Millennium Series and have also watched them play all season. They may cheat sometimes (I don't know) and if they do, they are not only the most skillful collection of players in the world, but the most skillful group of cheaters, cause I have not been able to witness any cheating.

These guys are friendly, open and represent the top of the sport very grandly internationally.

As far as the controversial game is concerned, I've talked with a key person who reffed during that game. He said they just reffed straight up and there was nothing wrong with their calls. But...I wasn't there.

Maybe some videos will come out that will cause even more confusion.

I heard that Chuck had severed his ties with Dynasty. True or false?



Hey, let's play a little game...

IMHO, Bonebrake Factory Team needs to switch to the NXL. Why? Well, let me explain...

In the amateur division at a recent PanAm event, , one final call by the PanAm head ref in one game determined the placing of the final three teams. Bonebrake Factory Team, in order to
place first in the event, had to come out of their final game with all of the other team’s players eliminated, the flag pull and the hang and lose only one player. They successfully eliminated all of the players on Phoenix Heat Inferno, got the pull and the hang, and all of Bonebrake Factory was still alive. A ref determined that one of the Bonebrake Factory players had over-shot, and pulled two players. The call was discussed with Randy Wood, the head ref, and, without knowing the consequences of his decision, he decided that only one player needed to be pulled. So, Bonebrake Factory won the tournament.

Now, here's the real beef in the situation:

Dan Bonebrake is the President of the PanAm Series etcetcetc

There is a clear conflict of interest here, and I think Bonebrake Factory Team should probably choose another league to play in or Dan should step down...
