There are occasions when I get an idea in my head that makes absolute sense, and I mean absolute, but I also know, it won't gain any traction for various reasons.
This idea?
Our beloved sport of paintball, tournament paintball that is, would benefit on oh so many levels if we all went back to 7 man .....
Our sport cannot support the XBall 5 man format we play now.
It is a white elephant format and was only created to grease our way onto the silver screens of American TV. ... it really was.
The only reason we adopted the XBall format over here is because we always follow the Yanks, and in most cases, it's the sensible thing to do but now the Holy Grail of TV has been shown the dead box, we need to employ something other than slavish mimicry.
The problem is much like the fable of the Emperor's new clothes whereby nobody will say what is glaringly obvious to all ...... we need to dump the XBall format and go back to reality.
The people who might resist this are at best, self-serving and at worst, idiots because you might hear cries of despair from teams who play the CPL and who are insulated from the real costs of playing this format but these can be effectively ignored.
When I cast my mind back to the gripes and moans of yesteryear when 7-man was the only real game in town, they pale into insignificance to the bitching we get now .... if you think back to say, the year 2000, try to imagine what you would get if you documented all the pros and cons of 7 man at that time ..... now, lurch forward to the present, and now document all the pros and cons of this format we use......... if you do it sensibly, you will discover it's an insane situation we find ourselves in ... and yet, the chances of going back to reality are what?
No hope and Bob Hope ?
Pretty much .... but once again, we would be faced with a massive dollop of commonsense going up against an industry seemingly convinced that we can't go back .... if we came forward, then why not back?
Just a thought ......
This idea?
Our beloved sport of paintball, tournament paintball that is, would benefit on oh so many levels if we all went back to 7 man .....
Our sport cannot support the XBall 5 man format we play now.
It is a white elephant format and was only created to grease our way onto the silver screens of American TV. ... it really was.
The only reason we adopted the XBall format over here is because we always follow the Yanks, and in most cases, it's the sensible thing to do but now the Holy Grail of TV has been shown the dead box, we need to employ something other than slavish mimicry.
The problem is much like the fable of the Emperor's new clothes whereby nobody will say what is glaringly obvious to all ...... we need to dump the XBall format and go back to reality.
The people who might resist this are at best, self-serving and at worst, idiots because you might hear cries of despair from teams who play the CPL and who are insulated from the real costs of playing this format but these can be effectively ignored.
When I cast my mind back to the gripes and moans of yesteryear when 7-man was the only real game in town, they pale into insignificance to the bitching we get now .... if you think back to say, the year 2000, try to imagine what you would get if you documented all the pros and cons of 7 man at that time ..... now, lurch forward to the present, and now document all the pros and cons of this format we use......... if you do it sensibly, you will discover it's an insane situation we find ourselves in ... and yet, the chances of going back to reality are what?
No hope and Bob Hope ?
Pretty much .... but once again, we would be faced with a massive dollop of commonsense going up against an industry seemingly convinced that we can't go back .... if we came forward, then why not back?
Just a thought ......