Yeah, you are right about the subjectivity of the terms I chose. I will try to be more clear on that score.
I mean that I think paintball would be more fun to watch if half the shots were being taken. I think so because players would be more likely to move more, rather than staying in place until they have numerical advantage on the opponent. I think that mvoes by players would be what determines outcomes, much more than gunfights. I think that gunfights make for dull spectating, compared to bunker runs and aggressive movement into 50 and beyond bunkers. I should be specific in saying that the benefits are mostly to those who watch; I think that the excitement is there for those who play either way.
The robot can only catch cheats that take place on the robot; it is easy enough to have a cheat time out after a long enough period of non-use. I think that catching gun-cheats mid game is far more worthwhile, if it can be done.
I'd say more than 95% of players have double triggers. But I would also guess that a majority of players have after market triggers. I would also guess that a majority of players (in national leagues) get a new gun more often than once a year. Further, a lot of guns could be easily altered (ie Timmies have removeable trigger guards).