I hide no secret that I support BNP. I think its been known on this board for a VERY long time that I do.
You think my rant was about the flowers? No it was making a point that complete and utter tw*ts like you think you can dictate fairness and the sorts because of the total lack of common sence leads things as simple as a joke into something blown totally out of proportion, so much so new laws had to be introduced to f*cking define them.
If people don't like others calling people gypsies, f*ck em. Go let them wipe their arses on their piece of paper calling it prejudice. If your so strung to get so easilly offended, the internet, the news, most of tv, magazines and culture isn't for you.
Live with it and shut up.
Your getting awfully personal mate, have some dacorum god bless ya,you'll burst a blood vessel or something. Heaven forbid you might impale yourself on your own hick pitchfork,it'd leave a terrible mark.
We're "debating" arent we? but i have to say while its getting personal that i sincerely doubt you could debate your way out of a wet paper bag judging by your rants me old fruit. heavy on rhetoric,very,very light on substance,bit like a BNP manifesto really.
Stating your a fully paid up BNP supporter whilst posting under a pseudonymn is a bit vanilla for a rock solid dude like you innit?
I dont think "GYPSIES' is an offensive word,never said that once but (and i know you couldnt give a t0ss considering your affiliations) words like pikey etc are the same as a certain "N" word that we have successfully got rid of over time,words are fire my man. Make no mistake.
I'd seriously think about choosing them more carefully .