I'm sorry...
Originally posted by raehl
I didn't realize that the opinions of a Brit were supposed to be trusted over the reality of American paintball.
So, yeah, how 'bout that new Super 7 league?
- Chris
Oh my...........no you don't have to realise that at all, you just have to read the post correctly and not put words into people's mouths
And as for my thoughts regarding the new 7 man league ?
Well, it is probably the best thing that has happened to US Paintball because now you guys can play a Euro type tournament and not just read about it.
It will also provide your circuit with a much needed element of competition because without a serious contender, we have already seen the PSP's inability to respond to the new demands and the consequent standard of their tournaments.
The US need this competition, without it, the top tournament circuit is held hostage to an organisation that just can't do the job, and they have proved this time and time and time again.
They have no determination to secure proper venues, they do no outside marketing whatsoever, they do not cater for the needs of not only players but also spectators and so on....
The guys on the PSP have to realise, they are businessmen, they are team owners, this does not mean they are natural promoters.
This job is a specialised one and needs, flair, imagination, dedication and a lot of time spent on it.
Now I know some of them may well scream blue murder at me amd cite many improvements they have undoubtedly made.
And let's face it, they have, the new air system, the new adherence to safety netting etc but come on, how can u forget toilets, bleachers, layouts, marketing, facilities for families and so on ?
If you can't supply all of them, then find someone who can, after all, they have the template from Europe, they just chose not to copy it...I'll let you guys and gals work out why