I think he was writing shorthand for gee-whiz, but that's just my guess. When that's too long to write, not that anyone actually even says lets alone writes it anymore, you know we've gone too far into the age of acronyms and abbreviations. I've actually seen entire conversations where 2/3 to 3/4 of everything uttered was an acronym or shortened form of words! It's getting so scary these days...pretty soon you'll have entire books written in shorthand. Cyberculture may be positively impacting communication, but I hope it doesn't totally erode our linguistics.
Just for the sake of example, common useful shortenings of familiar phrases that although useful in expression cut severely down the size of our realm of verbal expression:
RSVP (What the hell does that stand for anyway? I never even do it in the first place, but a lot of people these days worship it!)
and the rare DVDA... (Betcha don't know what it is or where it came from...)
Let's not lose our language!