Originally posted by Tommy Gun-Nexus
everyones entitled to an oppinion mate, even the Scottish
oh ho ho!!! beatings for you!
ok my 2pence.
people should really be aloud to wear what they want! in any "version" of paintball!
if someone wants to wear camo in sup air which would probably stand out even more than people with brightly coloured clothes! it is up to them to wear something that'll make them look like a tard!
the same goes for rec ball, if someone wants to wear a Mr Blobby outfit in a game where everyone else is in camo, it is totally up to them!
it is basicly up to the events who set the rules! if a tournament says "no camo" then guess what people who turn up in camo dont get to play!
If a rec ball event says no Mr Blobby outfits, then guess what..........we dont get shoot that anoying git!
anyway one of my points is that the organisers have to set the rules! if there are dress rules then people have to follow them, or they dont get to play!
Ok to the point of people saying that it is a sport! I thought it was still trying to be classed as a sport!!! am I wrong?
have I missed a lot of things over these past few busy months of my life??? Please say I have
ok if paintball is still not actually classed as a sport.....well to people who dont play paintball

(we all know to every paintballer it is a sport )
but if we want the general public to class paintball as a sport then as we all know Sup air is the way to go to do this!
it is the general public who get the wrong impression when they see people run around with guns, camo and shooting each other in the woods!
they get a different impression when they see people running around on a field with blow up barricadesm, with brightly coloured clothes and guns that dont look like real life guns! they get more intrigued!
I actually like talking to people about paintball when they believe Woodsball is the only form of paintball, as they again get really intrigued to find out that there is another version of it! Most people start off with woodsball as there are a lot of paintball sites who have woodsball, so people get in to paintball that way and dont really forget the running around in camo and all that! but when u try sup air it is a totally different experiance! with different rules and people feel having camo has no advantage in sup air so whats the point in wearing it!
people have to accept that both sides of paintball has a big interest and neither will die out! they are both exciting in there own way! Yes I know people dont like them both but there is no point in trying to stir up trouble by saying something bad about the other!
Sterobets u done a bad thing abou bringing up the dictionary definition! all I have to say is look up "war"
oh yeh I aint trying to say one is better than the other, as I like both of them

but I am just trying to point out a few more things to think about!