china tried to control population growth
could still be doing it for all i know, i cant remember if they stopped it or not,
but only allowed each family to have one child.
as pointed out by cusack, its simple nature and occurs in any food chain.
the more food there is or resources, the more the populaton will grow until it begins to run out of enough food sources to support the growth, by which point it wil die out again, and the cycle repeats itself.
granted this occurs with animals and they dont know how to use contraception (idea for another thread, can you make condoms for bunnys?)
but as idiocracy points out (the film) weve reached our peak as the human civilisation, and its no longer the survival of the fittest, but the survival of who simply breeds more often.
think about it, in africa, in some villages they dont know how to use/ dont have contraception, so just keep on breeding, and then dying out etc etc.
(ive been to these villages, its not pretty)
with the sustainability factor though, im soon going to be writing a dissertation on this, so wont go into it besides a simple sentence.
to meed Code 6. sustainable housing etc, we simply dont have the finances, nor technologies to make it a financially, or economical viability.
could still be doing it for all i know, i cant remember if they stopped it or not,
but only allowed each family to have one child.
as pointed out by cusack, its simple nature and occurs in any food chain.
the more food there is or resources, the more the populaton will grow until it begins to run out of enough food sources to support the growth, by which point it wil die out again, and the cycle repeats itself.
granted this occurs with animals and they dont know how to use contraception (idea for another thread, can you make condoms for bunnys?)
but as idiocracy points out (the film) weve reached our peak as the human civilisation, and its no longer the survival of the fittest, but the survival of who simply breeds more often.
think about it, in africa, in some villages they dont know how to use/ dont have contraception, so just keep on breeding, and then dying out etc etc.
(ive been to these villages, its not pretty)
with the sustainability factor though, im soon going to be writing a dissertation on this, so wont go into it besides a simple sentence.
to meed Code 6. sustainable housing etc, we simply dont have the finances, nor technologies to make it a financially, or economical viability.