Apology accepted mate and your comments are greatly appreciated. In fact your wide outflanking move was extremely smooth cos I never saw or heard you!

the burst you gave me stung like hell (but that’s paintball and if you don’t accept that will happen then play air soft!)
Later that day I heard a rumour that smog and fish had found an angle set at 320fps+ and I just jumped to the conclusion that you were firing the HOT angle. So my apologies.
The reason I was peeved is that firing hot is dangerous and it’s a bugbear that really p*sses me off. Its down right nasty and we all want hard but fare play and I expect all players to be honest and honourable (wiping and hot gun should result in bans!)
Do you remember me asking what gun youd got and what paint you were shooting? If it was a red team player in desert camo jacket then yup its me!
I thought you were a womble at first looking at your camo
I think in the ‘heat of battle’ what goes on in the field should stay on the field and I said stuff to Ben (the marshal) in game 1 that I deeply regret now and feel very embarrassed over.
It was just a game Badger… I wasn’t hurt (the welts have gone now and all 22 hits didn’t hurt by Tuesdays) so theres no issue and no problem

in fact I'm a strong believer in pball karma …. For every painful welt, somewhere, some day, you’ll give some poor sucker the same treatment
Besides (as killcrazy correctly said) RED 900 blue 200 hahahahahah
“What makes "Pro Balls" any different to others, surely they pop easier, hurting less?”
Pro balls are much tougher shelled and though I REALLY like them and they shoot well through my A-5 . ….. they do sting and quite a few bounce …. Thus MORE PAIN
”Just put your hands in the air faster man. Light up till you give up is quite a lot of players mentality.”
If only it was that simple! When the red mist of battle is on you, you’ll keep blatting away until your sure a player is down and if that player is being creamed from 3 direction or in pain its not easy to do much except cower!
How many times have you seen dead players shot at by trigger happy players …. Their hands are up
I know where to get sympathy from next time

Hows your wounds?
Ready to get shot at again tomoorw and Sunday
Couldn’t agree more mate! I think if some c*nt keeps blatting you or your hit and stuck in the castle, then question their parents, refer to them as certain body parts, but shout at the marshell as well. It worked when we treid it (another complement smog….why do I bother )