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How much paint did you use...


Peter Pan of Paintball
Feb 25, 2005
To be honest, from what I have heard the average is likely to go up quite a bit since teams have realised that they will need to shoot more.

I would expect it to be kicking around the high 20's to thirty.
i think teams probable need to be more agressive to use less paint

we were concerned of using too much.
xball should be fast, not just sat back emptying packs
most of us rarely used more than a pot and a hopper a point if that.

some of the more drawn out points i used 3 pots and a hopper, but i am more predominantly back corner player, so was maintaining lanes in those games.

bernie will have to pipe up on how much we used as I dunno.
cheers bernie :) nudge nudge;);)


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
ok so it seams an average of £75 per player for paint ?

and what was the entry per player based on 15 team ? in fact what was the entry per team ?

think i will deff try and make the next one sounds like a blast


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2006
*flame suit on*

This is one thing I've been more aware of over the past few month since I got back into playing.

The emphasis on tournements now seems to be how much paint can you chuck at the opposing team in the hope that you'll hit someone rather than actually picking a target. A bit like taking a machine gun to a rifle range.

17 cases of paint in one game !!!! thats 34,000 balls did you have packs or rucksacks even if on a 10 man team thats over 3,000 balls or 21 pots each how were you carrying it not to mention shooting it.

Or maybe I'm just getting old...

your getting old, and boring.