With a response like that, you have just earned yourself a full months ban from the forums.**** it mate I will buy from the shops. After all I am a normal trustworthy person with money to spend on paintball. It's a bit like price fixing I genuinely am looking to buy an ETEK 3. I have found lots of behaviour that mirrors your condescending tone in paintball. Well see you on the field as they say oh and with a brand new gun because I'm not allowed to buy guns until I have been certified as a special person.
I did not at any point in my post suggest you were not a normal trustworthy person. Then i nor the forum members who we are trying to protect know if you genuine. Any Joe bloggs can register, make 10 random posts and start buying and selling.
Take the time out to read up on recent events, maybe, just maybe one day you will thank people for being cautious.
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