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How many players..... in the UK...

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Let me guess, the guy who wrote this owns a rec ball site and shop?

Lets be honest figures are way out and you for one person russ should know that, altho im sure you already do

Are you sure the figures are way out? I admit the SupAir Figure is low but as a percentage of the total paintballers it ain't that big. I can guess the author of this and some of what he says are true and some of his predictions may be off base, but then to woodland industry are getting thier act together and what is SupAir doing. As far as I can see SupAir cannot organise a meeting never mind discuss its future. SupAir ballers in this country just seem to be too elitist to work with the Woodland industry to help develop Paintball in general and as most of the paintball money in this country is in Woodsball, the phrase "Cutting off you nose......." comes to mind. Time for all SupAir players to get off thier high horses and remember that unless we support the grassroots, they will not support us. We need them but they need us.


F orum Battle Organiser
Nov 23, 2005
South Wales/Cali
The others figures i wouldnt know, but id put my house on there being more sup air ballers than that figure

I completely agree with what your saying about helping them to help us, if a sup air field could be set up at every rec site then we would move forward in no time, that happening....i doubt it


Drop the gun, fat boy.
Oct 12, 2006
St Albans, Hertfordshire
Aye where I train at bricketwood (go balistic) they have the main punter site then a field for us. If every site had that avalible to punters then mabey it would grow a bit more as people could make up their mind insted of just playing wood/sup.


Old dog - old tricks
Jul 19, 2005
North West
time for a p8ntballer census? :rolleyes: that would more or less clear up any arguement, obviously not those who don't read this forum. We'd be able to work out the distribution of ballers between the woods and supair then decide what and where stuff can be done.


Oct 12, 2005

Paintball (real paintball that is ) - 1,000,000 players
Walkon Paintball - 3000ish
Airsoft - 10,000 players
Supair - about 400ish. (and falling)


That means sweet sod all, sit through a uni stats class than they will tell you you can make stats say anything.

over 99% of shark attack on humans happens in water depth of less that 3 metres. When in the water where are 99% of poeple?

Paintball (real paintball that is ) - 1,000,000 players
I was in a swimming contest once, don't make me a swimmer. Anyone here play the odd 5 aside or have a friendly kick about, your still no footballer.

My point is that playing once (as the vast majority of punters do) doensn't make them a paintball player.

400 players would mean that there are a max of 80 supair teams (consisting of a roster of 5 people) in the UK. I fail to believe that.

I fully realise that i'm speaking from a mildy;) biased perspective (as will most of the replys on the forum) but what are the figures based on & who wrote them? If it was such a corner stone of british paintball then you would have though they would look at all the angles?

I must agree thought that supair is still the smallest % and we do have the bigger mouths :D

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
According to the people within the airsoft industry there are 10,000 players with their own gear.

There used to be 3 paintball magazines, all on the shelves of WHS. PGI, Paintball Adventures and Paintball Monthly.

When we talk about paintball, we need to understand what it is that the general population see it as. This is dressing in camo and playing in the woods. 1 Million people did this last year and so that is what paintball is, it's dressing in camo and playing in the woods.

Paintball (real paintball that is ) - 1,000,000 players
Walkon Paintball - 3000ish
Airsoft - 10,000 players
Supair - about 400ish. (and falling)

One day the penny will drop.

As I have said before, the introduction of Supair basically stopped the growth of paintball (own gear) in the UK. Supair might be the most fantastic game in the world to some people, but unfortunately these people are very much a minority but with a big voice.

The figures for Airsoft seem a little exaggerated for me but I do not have any hard numbers to quote in response.
The part about the Magazines not being on the shelves of WHS, I am sure PGI is still in there along with a yank mag or two, and you can get PBUK in any public Library.
The bit about the public perception of paintball! dictating what paintball is... well thats boll%cks ...... paintball is what it is to those who play and whatever type you are into it is up to you/us to tell all and sundry to change that perception.
Hyperball was the development that put the nail in the coffin of tournament woodsball as it was, tournament paintball changed drastically when it appeared and was soon followed by Supair and that changed it to its next level and provided the opportunity to transform paintball into a sport.
Woodsball will never be a sport, and why should it, it is a great game (and the one I enjoy the most) but thats it, a great game.
The figures for recball players is accurate (ish) but the figure the writer has quoted for supair ballers is way off the mark but it is lower than most people would like to admit, around the fifteen hundred mark, and is not a reducing figure.
I love the part where he says supair stopped the growth of woodsball, I would preferred he admitted that with a tied market that the old woodsball players gave to the sites/organisers they had the opportunity to create and nurture there own growth by giving the customers a service that they would have been happy to carry on with, and the rapid transition to supair tournaments could have been slowed down.
All the things we see are just the natural development of a sport and we ourselves have an idea of what is the best depending when on that timeline we enter the game.
Woodsball for me is memory's of a time when I could cut it with the rest and part of the team kit was some pampers for Chris Edwards (I think he was only four at the time) so woodsball is the best in my opinion and requires more skill obviously;), but the future of the sport is and only will be supair or a very close derivative.



DCF Footsoldier.
Apr 18, 2006
Ashbourne (Derbyshire)
how do you define an airsofter?

a dude who own an air rifle/BB gun?

oh crap that means most households across the UK are infact airsofters!

little hard to believe that paintball in the woods is 'real paintball' when paintballs paintball be it running round in a wood dressed up like rambo or someone out of dune or running round a more open field with inflatables looking like power rangers with fast guns

we still just shoot each other with balls filled with paint

anyway i dont know what i've proved there im just a bit bored and slightly hungover so i thought id contribute

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
The figures for Airsoft seem a little exaggerated for me but I do not have any hard numbers to quote in response.
The part about the Magazines not being on the shelves of WHS, I am sure PGI is still in there along with a yank mag or two, and you can get PBUK in any public Library.
The bit about the public perception of paintball! dictating what paintball is... well thats boll%cks ...... paintball is what it is to those who play and whatever type you are into it is up to you/us to tell all and sundry to change that perception.
Hyperball was the development that put the nail in the coffin of tournament woodsball as it was, tournament paintball changed drastically when it appeared and was soon followed by Supair and that changed it to its next level and provided the opportunity to transform paintball into a sport.
Woodsball will never be a sport, and why should it, it is a great game (and the one I enjoy the most) but thats it, a great game.
The figures for recball players is accurate (ish) but the figure the writer has quoted for supair ballers is way off the mark but it is lower than most people would like to admit, around the fifteen hundred mark, and is not a reducing figure.
I love the part where he says supair stopped the growth of woodsball, I would preferred he admitted that with a tied market that the old woodsball players gave to the sites/organisers they had the opportunity to create and nurture there own growth by giving the customers a service that they would have been happy to carry on with, and the rapid transition to supair tournaments could have been slowed down.
All the things we see are just the natural development of a sport and we ourselves have an idea of what is the best depending when on that timeline we enter the game.
Woodsball for me is memory's of a time when I could cut it with the rest and part of the team kit was some pampers for Chris Edwards (I think he was only four at the time) so woodsball is the best in my opinion and requires more skill obviously;), but the future of the sport is and only will be supair or a very close derivative.

The SupAir stopping the growth of woodsball i actually agree with. As I said before, the advent of SupAir in the UK decimated the Woodland Tournament scene as almost all the tournie players switched en-mass to Sup-Air and there was not a sufficient player base to fill the void that was left. that left the organisers of woodland tournaments no choice but to either go back to being 100% woods or invest in providing a SupAir venue.
With the dawn of entry level priced rapid fire markers this gap is now being filled and the woods organisers are cashing in and if they are bitter about being deserted by SupAir players can you really blame them :cool: