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how do you store all of your kit?


New Member
I have way too much paintball stuff now. I have a JT gearsack with one gun in it and backup tank, mask, etc etc. Then I have a large bag with more stuff in it like my pack, pods, tools, another mask, another gun, a tank. Finally I have one loose gun laying around, and various boxes with spare parts. All of that goes under my bed:D Usually when I get home from playing I take the batteries out of my hopper, wipe down anything that I used that day, and throw my jersey and pants in the washer. I don't have the energy for anything else.


ladies love kewl kid
i have a "harry-potter home" where all the stuff stays between games(at least if i dont get it out time by time to pull trigger in front of tv or just to dress up in front of the mirror, im looking soooo fresh in my stuff:D :D :D )


Active Member
Jan 12, 2002
Seeing as I have a messy room thats a nice size, everything is just on the floor up against on of the walls. I clean all my stuff the night of the tourny and its just left till either I buy something new for it or another tourny arrives.


New Member
Apr 28, 2002
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Originally posted by figment
I store my kit away from the wife's eyes so she cant see how much ive spent and how much ive got ..;)
That's the one kid
only my girlfriend found mine the day
now i have to hide the rest of my kit in the loft
just to keep her happy
Pfft amateurs the lot of you. Just throw the lot in the corner and forget about it until the night before you need it again or until the smell become unbareable. Oh and for that really special touch clean your marker just before your first game. With all the oil in paintballs it keeps the surface nice and lubricated so leave it dirty.

And if you want to see the other end of the spectrum have a look at Stain on our team. he polishes his marker so often he is in danger of rubbing the annodising off. I swear he needs a name change to Mr Sheen.

'Mr Sheen he keeps his marker clean!';)


Aug 19, 2003
see I used to do that when it was allllllll in the woods and I had a cocker that seemed to run better if I didn't clean it.

But nowadays I use an X-mag and keep it really clean and oiled. There is little cleaning to do with these as they rarely chop balls.

All my clothing usually stays in the kit bag until it stinks and I remember b4 a tournie and rush around to clean it all.

Gun = clean

Everything else = whatever......


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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When I was younger, I used to hide all my jazz (grot) mags under my mum and dad's bed. Then if my mum found them she'd think they belonged to my Dad, and I'd get off scot free.

I find this works with Paintball gear. I put it in my girlfriends shoe cupboard in the box, whenever she opens it she's like "hmmmmm, I don't remember shoes from there?, ah well anyway, where's my Jimmy Chooo's".

I tried behind the water tank in the airing cupboard, but not so good for Paintpalls (grot mags fine though).;)


Active Member
May 9, 2003
After my kit is cleaned it all goes back in my cheepo hard-shelled suitcase on wheels (£11.99, Safeways). It goes under my bed then I simply wheel it out the following weekend and everything's packed and ready to go. It's also real easy to stage out of.
Don't you just hate organised people?:)