******THANKYOU ALL******
To all the teams who turned up today. The weather was against us all from lunchtime onwards.
The raffle made £206.00 for St Cathrines Hospice

this was great and more than we expected knowing how expensive paintball can be for most players

We will be taking this to the Hospice first thing tomorrow morning.
Thanks also to the guys who spent all night driving down from Newcastle really good to meet you guys

look forward to driving up there to get a game...... IN THE SUMMER

PGI again thanks guys was a pleasure to meet you and thanks for leaving magazines for the teams

HAWKS I got pictures of 2 out of the 4 teams so will expect to grab the other 2 teams pics when you get a chance

thanks for bringing your teams down.
Finally BIG thanks to all the guys and Gals from Venom/Sexlife for running the event, marshaling and Angel for the food..... and all up at Holmbush for their help and participation with this days events, after 20 + years of playing there now its better than ever
Kind regards Dred