Fields need some work
Having played the fields set up on Sunday here are my own thoughts
2 fields to the right of safe zone (facing car park)
Both were a bit too small, lacked cover/bunkers at one end. They were also too close together with only 10ft between tapes, making it very difficult to tell which field players were on.
2 fields behind save zone
Crap - way too small and biased to one end cover-wise. One was a turkey shoot from the off with only 50-60 yards between bases, and sod all bunkers within a short dash at either end. The tape lines also zig zagged all over the place, with players getting shot out across dog legs

Same problem with lack of separation between the two fields here as well
Feild to left of safe zone (next to crono station) played well, but the boundaries were pretty much as usual walk-on days.
Vally field (with stream) again played well, but always tends to make one team work hard due to lack of bunkers at far end base.
A lot of this was relayed to Rob - but he said fields weren't laid out by him?
We also wanted to know format - round robin or split into league's but again no one had answers