I'm already looking forward to this. Hopefully they won't pull the plug Gee Tee, it would be shame, I'm starting to get into it now. It's just so much fun! Why didn't you old people tell us youngsters that pump guns were so much fun?!
just off the M23 near junc 11, google holmbush paintball and you'll find their website with directions and a map. Come on down, I can't wait to play pump down there again like when I 1st started balling 10 years ago!
Ahh good choice in hobby. Would you knit me some lovely warm gloves for my hands. They can get awfully cold when touching the cold, aluminium pump handles.
Won't be attending tomorow because of my schools germany trip that im going on :/
i guess i will see you in july, maybe with my azodin kaos
Hope you all have fun and don't shoot up the old boys to much
Nooooooo! I was all set for today then spent all night suffering from a nasty stomach bug and have had to miss this! I'm so pissed off! Can't make another one till November