Get a hubsan x4 (£35) and fly that around if you've never flown multirotors before, it is a 'toy' but is very durable and will teach you how they fly and many valuable lessons, they're also great fun too!
If you want to build yourself. Go with a 450 frame from hobbyking and ntm motors, the best flight controller will be a dji naza but they are quite pricy, best value for money is a kk2 flight controller. If you've never looked into it before this can all be very confusing but jump on over to the rcgroups forum and there's a uk FPV thread, we all use multi rotors. All great guys and willing to help. I have the same username over there too
If you want to build yourself. Go with a 450 frame from hobbyking and ntm motors, the best flight controller will be a dji naza but they are quite pricy, best value for money is a kk2 flight controller. If you've never looked into it before this can all be very confusing but jump on over to the rcgroups forum and there's a uk FPV thread, we all use multi rotors. All great guys and willing to help. I have the same username over there too
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