The way I look at it, it's not right to sell a jersey for profit if it was given to you for free. Problem is, everything is always worth something to someone, usually that translates into money.
I don't have a jersey collection (at least not yet), although my current jersey is a rare custom design jersey that is worn by some people who are players/industry/media - The thing is they don't know there was one more made then they ordered. I keep it in my gearbag in case I actually need a second jersey. Eventually, it will end up framed on my wall and be the beginning of my collection.
If I were to choose, who's jersey I'd like to have (to hang it on the wall), I'd say it would be one of those that belonged to the people I respect for who they are and what they have achieved:
Oliver Lang, Alex Fraige, Maximus Lindquist, Magued Idris, Rosie, Rocky Knuth, Ron Kilbourne, Bob Long, and one Pete "Robbo" Robinson - I think that's the big bald guy that supposedly posts on these forums sometimes (maybe he'll see it and decide to send me a jersey