you could just stay in the woods if you like it!
simple as that! people think that there is this natural progression where you have to be a tourny player
by all means come to a tourny and see what its all about and have a crack
but you will find it is sooooo different to playing in the woods
and if your talking cheap and awesome firepower
then the ion is the way to go believe me!
and if you decide that the woods is your thing and you havent upgraded but still want that little bit of extra fire power, the ion will still do or an sp8 for a little bit more but looking a hella lot more the part!
hope that helps!
you could just stay in the woods if you like it!
simple as that! people think that there is this natural progression where you have to be a tourny player
by all means come to a tourny and see what its all about and have a crack
but you will find it is sooooo different to playing in the woods
and if your talking cheap and awesome firepower
then the ion is the way to go believe me!
and if you decide that the woods is your thing and you havent upgraded but still want that little bit of extra fire power, the ion will still do or an sp8 for a little bit more but looking a hella lot more the part!
hope that helps!