Insulting???i'd say now robbo is trying to be insulting and wanting a reaction, far from 14yr old was born in 73,
See thats much betteri'd say now robbo is trying to be insulting and wanting a reaction, far from 14yr old was born in 73,
OK, OK, OK, I get the point, I may have been a little harsh - I apologise, but .... for us mods, the subject of poorly constructed posts is a sensitive one.sarcastic is good,
it makes me laugh.... look lol lol lol
Oh come on Tar, that's harsh, if you had insulted me personally [which you didn't, or had tried to steal from me as jeff abbott once tried [shameless plug]] then you have little chance of being banned.i just beleive that when people are wrong they should do right in the end..
and do i not need to go there because i will be removed from the forum because i only came on the help get back into the sport ???
See thats much betterdont react to Robbo chap, not wise, and you dont need to go there
I know this is a talk to the mods thread, but as Im here I will add that FOOT....thats a little insulting. The guy has a product that doesnt do what you said it did. If it were me, I would refund him, plus return shipping on return of the item. He wouldnt have bought it, if he had of known.