No one has mentioned Heavens Gate Tournment yet, Well what did people think?
Well here's my View:
The good Points - The layout of fields, trade stands and food area.
The BAD Points - MARSHALLS - on ALL fields they were so inconsistant and I heard this from many teams, this maybe a bit harsh but I've seen better marshalling at PUNTER sites. SHOWERS - the lack of them, us teams that came to the site and camped was told that there would be showers and weren't (false advertising). TOILETS - Three portaloo's for 35 plus teams that were MOSTLY men, Thats disgusting!! on the sunday afternoon they were nearly over flowing its good job there wasn't any sun cos that would stink to high HEAVEN (or is that why its called heavens gate)

Come on guys don't be shy
What did you think?
Well here's my View:
The good Points - The layout of fields, trade stands and food area.
The BAD Points - MARSHALLS - on ALL fields they were so inconsistant and I heard this from many teams, this maybe a bit harsh but I've seen better marshalling at PUNTER sites. SHOWERS - the lack of them, us teams that came to the site and camped was told that there would be showers and weren't (false advertising). TOILETS - Three portaloo's for 35 plus teams that were MOSTLY men, Thats disgusting!! on the sunday afternoon they were nearly over flowing its good job there wasn't any sun cos that would stink to high HEAVEN (or is that why its called heavens gate)
Come on guys don't be shy
What did you think?