full Address: Bournemouth Sports Club, Chapel Gate, East Parley, Christchurch, BH23 6BD
Lump one case one kill Sep 20, 2004 12,725 874 198 55 in the ABYSS Jul 17, 2006 #21 full Address: Bournemouth Sports Club, Chapel Gate, East Parley, Christchurch, BH23 6BD
angel welcome to the party Jul 8, 2001 313 1 28 york Jul 17, 2006 #22 Anyone need a player looking for a game at heavens gate. normally play div 1 at masters . back to mid. looking for a game. get back to me . cheer angel
Anyone need a player looking for a game at heavens gate. normally play div 1 at masters . back to mid. looking for a game. get back to me . cheer angel
Fly Platinum Member Jan 25, 2002 897 39 53 Jul 17, 2006 #23 angel said: looking for a game at heavens gate. normally play div 1 at masters . back to mid. looking for a game. get back to me . cheer angel Click to expand... PM Hermitt mate I know he's after players for Basic
angel said: looking for a game at heavens gate. normally play div 1 at masters . back to mid. looking for a game. get back to me . cheer angel Click to expand... PM Hermitt mate I know he's after players for Basic
NBR Tiger Army 1st Battallion Oct 1, 2002 498 0 26 London Visit site Jul 18, 2006 #24 Any news on the 5-man sunday event?
Nexus - Leigh New Member Dec 13, 2005 145 0 0 Visit site Jul 18, 2006 #25 hello everyone wouldn't mind playing this event, are there any Ego/Planet sponsered teams that need an extra player ? failing that, does anyone need an extra player ? will play any format, 5 or 7 man. thanks Leigh - Nexus
hello everyone wouldn't mind playing this event, are there any Ego/Planet sponsered teams that need an extra player ? failing that, does anyone need an extra player ? will play any format, 5 or 7 man. thanks Leigh - Nexus
#29 Well-Known Member Jan 31, 2005 680 32 53 unknown//dover Visit site Jul 18, 2006 #26 i think we are looking for a player as we are putting two teams in i think.
john251282 Platinum Member Oct 4, 2005 1,212 23 63 Bristol www.google.co.uk Jul 18, 2006 #27 PMed ya Leigh
M Mac Sparks to the Gods Jul 16, 2002 61 0 0 somewhere in the middle www.teamhalloween.co.uk Jul 19, 2006 #28 Any news on field layouts and running order ie am or pm starts???
Mr. Suicide BHood. Oct 29, 2004 740 39 63 34 South Wales Visit site Jul 19, 2006 #29 Syd....you are making me wanna play this soooo badly! I can see this turning out better than HG3. By any chance did you manage to get the bunkers nailed down? or is it more sand bags? Luke.
Syd....you are making me wanna play this soooo badly! I can see this turning out better than HG3. By any chance did you manage to get the bunkers nailed down? or is it more sand bags? Luke.
T TendringLOEB Guest Jul 19, 2006 #30 got a spot in a scratch div 3 team for ya Luke if your interested?!