Just reading all this and mainly that last commect is so sad, me and the boy (just 13) started 6 weeks ago, my boy is quite shy and was very worried about going to our first walk-on and sup-air.
but the thing that made all the differance to both of us, but mainly him was the people that we met and who were willing to help

, in our fist walk-on a team "double vision" stole him from me, and to be honest apart from in the safe zone i never seen him, he spoke about them for days (not his old man :tsk: )
On our first sup-air, again he was very worried, to the point when 12 hours before he would not go as he was so nervous, we turned up and instantly they guys decided the bit of gear he bought was all right but offered him something that would make the day better, so with in minutes, he was suppoerting a fancy ego 10 and rotor

, we walked down to the field and same as before, with in a minute i had been taken to one side to learn, he was stolen by the first team and off on his own to play and learn.
i know your asking what this means, well if we had met a character like tiny (no doubt wouldn't of said anything to me) but if he had said anything to the boy, even something silly like "your not really good enough to use that yet"
You would have never seen my boy at any event ever again, that would of been enough to make him pull out of paintball, which in turn means me too, and also the 10's of people in my teams and his kickboxing clubs that do nothing but ask "how can we get into that" every week.
The moral of the story, is just how lucky the sport is to have such nice people, and how lucky we are to of never met a "tiny" character and that they are so few and far between.