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300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Guys .... and of course girls ...... I am gonna ask for your advice on this next chapter before it starts to unfurl itself across the pages of P8nt ...... there is a reason I ask it and it's more to do with my age and subsequent views on life being sometimes vastly different from most of the members on here ..... what may be acceptable to me maybe completely unacceptable to the majority of you but anyways, here goes :-

After that last revelationary Facebook conversation posted that basically had breakwell admitting to stealing and subsequently selling parts of a marker [Angel] that was sent to him in good faith for repair, I didn't much like the idea some poor kid had got ripped off by some thieving as$hole and so I got in touch with the kid [Joe Bollard] to find out exactly what happened ...

It seems he did in fact send him the larker for repair and breakwell basically kept it, sold some parts, kept others and then went on to Facebook to take the piss outa the kid and basically revel in the theft ..... From what I now know, Joe's not the sort of kid who is gonna go round breakwell's house and iron him out which I think is the reason why breakwell bullied the fuhk out of him anyway.... a pattern's forming here I think which doesn't paint a very nice picture I'm afraid ... young kids who can't defend themselves are picked on by breakwell to intimidate or bully and steal from .... breakwell is seemingly not a sexist though because he does bully and intimidate girls .... I'm not gonna say much more than that but I have evidence of him doing just that … picking on a girl …
So my question is this, we now know breakwell basically stole Joe Bollard’s marker … Joe has written that off and put it down to experience …. But do we just let that go??
I don’t really wanna let it go cos I don’t much like the thought of that fat fudge-cake breakwell being the financial beneficiary of another theft especially from a kid who can’t really defend himself … if you advise we follow it up …. What do you suggest we do??
Sensible answers only [but I will enjoy reading the not so sensible answers :)]
We have one big thing going for us, and that is that this sack of lard is very conspicuous. He couldn't hide in a room full of fat-kids, and so a 'total black-ball' would easily be possible. That should be the first step.
Then we wait for his 18th birthday (this is important)
After that I would contact some 'buddies', and have his house turned over. Let him be on the receiving end of theft. His old man too.
Then we leak info to him that someone else burgled him, and we have him, his old man, and whoever else they recruit 'pay a visit' to the 'burglar'. The 'burglar' is in fact totally innocent, but unfortunately part of the 'Cadbury's' gang of Castle-Vale, Bham (nasty bunch). Hopefully the Breakwells rough up the 'burglar' a bit (some provocation may be required, but do I have a man for the job).
Then we press charges, and try to get him a spell inside if possible.
We let the Cadbury's lads do the rest.
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Active Member
Dec 14, 2010
Robbo, did Joe not get his angel parts replaced and repaired by ninja (mark) at NPF?

And does hipo-croc-a-pig breakwell not have any other jumpers? Lol.
Yeh i thought the same thing was wrote a few pages ago, nips off to fin it.

maybe some time :rolleyes:


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
BHP, whether Joe got someone to recompense his loss is not really the point here ... the initial crime has not been dealt with inasmuch as breakwell is still enjoying proceeds ...


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Not to mention throwing it in the kids face, which is worse than any burglary. The theft may be despicable in itself, but the taunting and bullying is the real heinous part.

A hand would be taken in some parts of the world, he should be thankful that here isn't one of those places.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
Being as matters were not persuade at the time the marker was taken and that all the proof we really have is the facebook comments. Surely it would be down to Joe to call it? As the police would go straight to him I assume for his side of the story. My first thought is facebook comments are not enough for anything meaningful to effect Breakwell???
Just some idle ramblings....