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Head of The CPPS Mole Correction Facility.
Nov 11, 2008
Taking everything else aside..... Did the buyer get his Marker? Did it ever turn up? Has this golden saga come close to ending?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
To answer these questions ... he is allegedly going to paypal me my money some time today and if/when he does .... I am going to call him for a little chat because I think he deserves a talk to outline his restricted opportunities now.
Mark from Ireland hasn't yet received the marker but if I was asked to guess whether or not breakwell did actually send it ... I think I'd have to guess he did but I would also guess he didn't send it insured, he also didn't send it recorded delivery or anything like that ...... and so I suppose he was just unlucky the PO fuhked it up but from then on, everything is his responsibility because as soon as he realised there was a problem he did not help himself at all because of his attitude and behaviour when the mods tried to sort it all out ... and then I had to get involved which kinda makes things worse for breakwell ...

If the money comes in today, I'll let you all all know and then we ..... hmmmmm ...... I'm not sure coz I'll have to think on it for some time because I'd like to think breakwell has learned from this experience but maybe that's just me being an idiot.
As I said, if and when he sends me the money, I will talk to him and let you know how it all goes .........


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
To answer these questions ... he is allegedly going to paypal me my money some time today and if/when he does .... I am going to call him for a little chat because I think he deserves a talk to outline his restricted opportunities now.
Mark from Ireland hasn't yet received the marker but if I was asked to guess whether or not breakwell did actually send it ... I think I'd have to guess he did but I would also guess he didn't send it insure it, he didn't send it recorded delivery or anything like that ...... and so I suppose he was just unlucky the PO fuhked it up but from then on, everything is his responsibility because as soon as he realised there was a problem he did not help himself at all because of his attitude and behaviour when the mods tried to sort it all out ... and then I had to get involved which kinda makes things worse for breakwell ...

If the money comes in today, I'll let you all all know and then we ..... hmmmmm ...... I'm not sure coz I'll have to think on it for some time because I'd like to think breakwell has learned from this experience but maybe that's just me being an idiot.
As I said, if and when he sends me the money, I will talk to him and let you know how it all goes .........

Let him suffer, by "letting him off" he won't learn anything. I don't think he will learn anything anyway.

This is the sort of idiot who gives the sport a bad name, 1 less idiot doing so is a benefit for all parties.

bhp addict

HMC - Diamond Wars 2010!
May 22, 2009
Let him suffer, by "letting him off" he won't learn anything. I don't think he will learn anything anyway.

This is the sort of idiot who gives the sport a bad name, 1 less idiot doing so is a benefit for all parties.
Ok, I read through the first 7 pages the other day and have checked back for every update since. The thread, in my view, is the best warning to ALL ballers, not only those who are out to rip us fellow players off, but also those that skimp on postage and packaging.

Make it a STICKY!

Simple rule - if it's worth more than £40, send in special Delivery as it will be insured against BOTH LOSS and DAMAGE during transit.
If under £40, send it recorded. 1st or 2nd. Its an extra 50p (AFAIK) that way all sellers are covered and proof of postage is available at any time.

I have played at NPF now for over 2 years. I can't say I know or even recognise this Breakwell guy, but either way, he's a Ar$e! For past actions, for delayed postage, for cheap postage, for his attitude, for his lack of respect and for his complete lack of any self concern. Both for his future balling and (from what I have read of Robbo) his future life! (And his ol'man)

However, as the situation may be coming to an end I feel I would like to express my point of view as well as my concern.

Whether he pays or not, I would not like to see someone like this at my site! At NPF I have alway sfelt like it is a community, just like being on here. You can chat and trust every one of the regulars. The problem now is, as most of this community know 'kids' like this are playing and appearing at sites, it will create a 'Guilty until proven Innocent' scenario. Trust no-one until you get to know them, and that is not good for Paintball. Especially new players to the sport.

Don't get me wrong, you cannot police every human being in the sport, but most are exactly that. Human. They have respect for others and kit. It's rare you get D1ckheads like this, but the minorty will dictate how the majority will feel.

My prefferred option - Leave it upto the individual sites, but hopefully, they will keep the bans in place. I don;t want to see this kid down NPF!

Just my 2p
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The biggest mistake he seems to be making at the moment is not paying what he owes ... this is the one thing that is gonna unravel badly for him because it is the crux of the problem.
He fails to appreciate there is a time when I don't care if he pays me or not ...[/QUOTE]
I love it when ppl stop caring,thats the exciting bit:D


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Ok, I read through the first 7 pages the other day and have checked back for every update since. The thread, in my view, is the best warning to ALL ballers, not only those who are out to rip us fellow players off, but also those that skimp on postage and packaging.

Make it a STICKY!

Simple rule - if it's worth more than £40, send in special Delivery as it will be insured against BOTH LOSS and DAMAGE during transit.
If under £40, send it recorded. 1st or 2nd. Its an extra 50p (AFAIK) that way all sellers are covered and proof of postage is available at any time.

I have played at NPF now for over 2 years. I can't say I know or even recognise this Breakwell guy, but either way, he's a Ar$e! For past actions, for delayed postage, for cheap postage, for his attitude, for his lack of respect and for his complete lack of any self concern. Both for his future balling and (from what I have read of Robbo) his future life! (And his ol'man)

However, as the situation may be coming to an end I feel I would like to express my point of view as well as my concern.

Whether he pays or not, I would not like to see someone like this at my site! At NPF I have alway sfelt like it is a community, just like being on here. You can chat and trust every one of the regulars. The problem now is, as most of this community know 'kids' like this are playing and appearing at sites, it will create a 'Guilty until proven Innocent' scenario. Trust no-one until you get to know them, and that is not good for Paintball. Especially new players to the sport.

Don't get me wrong, you cannot police every human being in the sport, but most are exactly that. Human. They have respect for others and kit. It's rare you get D1ckheads like this, but the minorty will dictate how the majority will feel.

My prefferred option - Leave it upto the individual sites, but hopefully, they will keep the bans in place. I don;t want to see this kid down NPF!

Just my 2p

Hmmm, a somewhat measured response .... good post!
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Plat Member - Samurai!
Oct 24, 2010
Cardiff, Wales
have only read first few pages from 10 downwards!!

that breakwell or whatever is a douche man:tsk:, ive been looking for a gun recently and have been cautious of who i deal with, BHP [something] and chanman are the two im in serious talks with, but i have been 'scared' if thats the right word, that i would get scammed and that i wouldnt be able to do anything!!!

im still abit worried something will go wrong but robbo seems nice enoguh to ask help for and lump has helped me through my noobish mistakes!!!

so i will trade/buy on here but will always be cautious who i handle with. :]

i also agree anything over £40 should be recoreded and insured, and anything under £40 should be recorded atleast!!!
Make it a rule guys :cool: