I just talked to breakwell's father and I'm afraid the apple didn't fall too far from the tree , let's just put it that way.
It was of no use whatsoever asking him to work out who was telling the truth and who wasn't in the saga involving the sale of this marker ... that particular request was a task too difficult for him it seems.
I told him his as$ole of a son had ripped off my members and this is why he was banned and then went onto rip someone else off .... but I might as well have been talking to an anvil ...... he told me he would not be handing over £120 to anybody [obviously based upon what his stupid son had told him] and so the last opportunity for this to be resolved sensibly is gone ....
I did hope, forlornly so it seems, that breakwell's lack of intelligence wasn't hereditary, how misplaced that hope was