heh, heh...I just know that with my gun limit at least 5 bps faster than my "finger" limit "When my finger starts talkin', people start walkin'"
Oh, and if I'm in low cover near or past the 50 I rarely get to shoot more than 5 balls (it used to be 3 balls but my GZ rocks!
). If I try to shoot a longer string, my finger actually slows down
I never really thought about the time slicing vs Just-in-time (or realtime) checking of the system for trigger activation. So I guess that while checking a trigger a million times a second (WAS board) might seem to be overkill by many it apparently works better than checking the trigger 66 times a second...so that the system can fire a ball as soon as the bolt clears the eye. Yes I know that the 66 times a second uses the timeslice but you get my original point...having some "headspace" by having a higher theoretical limit or checking at a rate faster than would seem to be needed gives you a better realworld performance.
Oh, well, time to turn on the TV and go back to watching cartoons...