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Barrel/paint size confusion HELP..

I have seen boomsticks come in different lengths but I thought the bore was always the same? I assumed this would be .689? or am I wrong? Mostly when I look at barrels they do not mention bore size only difference in lengths. Do they all make their barrels at one bore?

When a company manufactures paintballs, what calibre are they trying to achieve? Are all manufacturers trying to achieve the same calibre?
I thought it was .689? Obviously the more one pays for a ball the closer it's going to be to it's intended size and roundness, but what size are they aiming for?

If paint size varies so much, even from batch to batch of the same make/type - am I better to buy a barrel system with many different size liners like freak or empire? Or is it possible just to buy one barrel/bore? Everyone talks about matching paintballs to your barrel but I can't see how this would be possible with one barrel and paint varies so much in size?

Thanks you very very much for your help. I know I'm asking alot of questions on this subject, but I don't really understand what I should buy .


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
Severe is good, but they do have bad runs from time to time. Inferno is good. RPS flies great but I find it bouncy- esp. like the Polar Ice.

I'd like to see all shells white. Makes it easier for the spectators to see the stream, what with the black netting and green fields.


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Bully... I'll attempt to answer your questions... :)

Paint is manufactured to size .68 calibre... there can obiviously be many variants to this however .689, .685, etc etc...

You can get away with using just one barrel but the bore size would have to be pretty big :) Obiviously the closer the paint to barrel match the better the acuracy etc. So it is beneficial having a multi bore barrel system like the Freak, Scepter or the like.

Although many people just use one barrel (like a .689 boomy) and just make sure they use paint of this bore or smaller. Problem is if they ever have a batch larger than this which will then refuse to go through the barrel :)

Hope that helps you.

OK - think I'm getting it now. If I get a Boomstick which is .689, then I will have to find a ball manufacturer which makes balls at this calibre and pray that I don't get a bad batch of bigger ones.

If I 'm using this theory of choosing paint to match the barrel then I could actually just keep my Lapco autospirit .686 and find some paint that is this size (which takes me to my earlier post :D )

So far then Bob has suggested euroflyte and viper, and Nelson anarchy is small bore you said too. I will have to try and find some of those balls here and put a few through the barrel.

So far I've been using my Lapco with paint that is around .689, and I had some breakages. Now I know why it's breaking in the barrel now then - size is everything !! ;) It's not too bad though, 'bout 1 every 120 balls. But when i get some smaller paint I think my breakages are gonna dissappear altogether - let's hope! :D


Gold Mentalist
Apr 17, 2002
Isle of Man

Originally posted by superbully
It's not too bad though, 'bout 1 every 120 balls. But when i get some smaller paint I think my breakages are gonna dissappear altogether - let's hope! :D
That is hellish bad, I chucked 3500 paint on sunday without a single break, now pretty good. 1 every 120 I would be screaming.

Boomys normally come in either .688 or .686 although I have seen one closer to .693.

I was running a .688 DYE stainless barrel at the weekend, and the paint was Polar Ice, and I had no trouble with bounces all day.


Tonight we dine in hell
Apr 17, 2002
Yar, Boomies do come in different sizes. I'm pretty sure the standard is .688 but you can order different bores.

Paint to bore match is pretty important. If you only have the one (Lapco) barrel, I'd look in to getting a second barrel with a larger bore. That way you're not stuck if the paint is too big for your Lapco. The Dye Excel is pretty nice - .690 bore and about $35 (US)

The 32 Degrees Team Colors we've been getting lately has been real small bore, about .680, but it shoots OK.
OK - I did a sup air tourny on sunday. I was chatting to a guy on another team and i mentioned that alot of his team had electronic markers that could do alot of BPS and there was me with my cocker, probly doing 5 to 6 bps max.
His reply was interesting. He said that I shouldn't knock my cocker as it is still one of the most accurate guns around and will go further and more accurately than his angel ! This cheered me up a little! :D
So based on what was said there and as this is a paint thread - What is the most accurate paint I can buy? IE: that companies balls are consistantly rounder than anyone else's. Is there one brand that is renowned above all others in the paintball world as the best? Or is it all a sorta grey area with no clear leader?
The reason why I would like the best ball around is that I want to take advantage of the cockers accuracy and exploit this. I don't care what bore this paint is, I will get a barrel to match.

Thanks alot
Paint sizes etc

First off, paint sizes (like severe is small etc) are really only trends. Paint will vary in size from batch to batch (remeber we are talkng thousanths of an inch, if you held a huge bore ball and a tiny bore ball you might be pushed to tell the difference). It is best to have a variety of barrels, or a freak etc. Case in point; at the last tournament I player we had two different batches: same company, same grade of paint, one was biggest Freak insert, one was one of the smallest.

you will probably find that if you are playing tourney-ball, then the paint that you use will be more to do with what your team shoots than what has the smallest bore or whatever. I have spent the last few months moving from Blaze to Nelson BTW. I have shot some awesoem batches of blaze and some that were not so good. So far my experiences with Nelson have been that it is very good paint indeed, very few brakes (all my fault I suspect...) breaking on air-ball baricades and players etc, flying pretty straight.

As to accuracy and Cockers etc. (takes a deep breath...) I am a cocker owner and love them (both) to bits. They are not as fast as Angels etc (unless you Race/E-Blade etc them...), as to whether or not they are more accuracte, well that is questionable. Most theory seems to suggest that paint-to-barrel-fit (for each and every ball) is one of the most important things, air-flow consistency is also important, which puts it down to the regualtors and valves. It is likely that accuracy of cockers over angels is a myth. On the other hand I did hear a WDP salesman say about an Angel "It may not be as accurate as your cocker but I can garuntee that it will improve your game by at least 10%." (I put the last bit in to be fair to the guy, I am not convinced by it), so maybe there is something in it.

It is possible to play at the very highest level without being able to compete in the ROF game (see aftershock and Naughty dogs last season for example), so don't worry about it (do you have a hinge/blade frame? If not they really do help a great deal!).

Hope that helps,
