Been browsing the web looking for a good all round paint to use. Most of the discussions are in the US or Canada however so taking into account how the weather is over here, they are probably invalid to us guys.
I'm going to list a few of my experiences with the range I've used,so any more new guys won't go wasting money on paint that doesn't function correctly (like I did) with the mags etc.
Empire blizzard: worked fine in mags however very inaccurate and had to spray and pray. After a month of storing them and using them at the next walkon (4 weeks) they were pretty much worse!
Infernos: Fed ok in mags and was also pretty accurate but a few breaks in the barrel. However this was a little old so may be the reason!
Sterling mace: when loading 20 into the milsig mags after around 20 minutes of spring pressure clamping them together. I noticed dimples in the tops and bottoms due to them being squashed! The shell couldn't take being contained in the mags. U could probably load a little less to avoid that pressure but this is not advised according to sources. Also a few breaks but shot very accurately!
Sterling shield: absolutely ZERO breaks all day playing! Not a single issue with them. Probably not the most round paint as the band in the centre is pretty bulky. But I found shot better than the blizzard.
MAXS Pure: these were green pure paintballs from Germany and they was absolutely perfect they shot extremely straight! Also very bright (actually glow in the dark) and had a nice tough shell! These were amazing however my local supplier doesn't have any coming over anytime soon. If anybody knows where to get these from PLEASE let me know.
I've also heard graffiti is good and marballizer but not really shot those. Magfed pbuk doesn't currently have graffiti in stock so I'm stuck there! But if any you guys know a good paint please leave a comment. Also, anybody familiar with the rap4 'magfed grade paint'? I was gonna give it a try but it's £60 so better be worth it!
Cheers comrades
I'm going to list a few of my experiences with the range I've used,so any more new guys won't go wasting money on paint that doesn't function correctly (like I did) with the mags etc.
Empire blizzard: worked fine in mags however very inaccurate and had to spray and pray. After a month of storing them and using them at the next walkon (4 weeks) they were pretty much worse!
Infernos: Fed ok in mags and was also pretty accurate but a few breaks in the barrel. However this was a little old so may be the reason!
Sterling mace: when loading 20 into the milsig mags after around 20 minutes of spring pressure clamping them together. I noticed dimples in the tops and bottoms due to them being squashed! The shell couldn't take being contained in the mags. U could probably load a little less to avoid that pressure but this is not advised according to sources. Also a few breaks but shot very accurately!
Sterling shield: absolutely ZERO breaks all day playing! Not a single issue with them. Probably not the most round paint as the band in the centre is pretty bulky. But I found shot better than the blizzard.
MAXS Pure: these were green pure paintballs from Germany and they was absolutely perfect they shot extremely straight! Also very bright (actually glow in the dark) and had a nice tough shell! These were amazing however my local supplier doesn't have any coming over anytime soon. If anybody knows where to get these from PLEASE let me know.
I've also heard graffiti is good and marballizer but not really shot those. Magfed pbuk doesn't currently have graffiti in stock so I'm stuck there! But if any you guys know a good paint please leave a comment. Also, anybody familiar with the rap4 'magfed grade paint'? I was gonna give it a try but it's £60 so better be worth it!
Cheers comrades