I personally think that it has to, some degree, already had it's desired effect in bringing up the standard of teams especially at the lower end, at least in the way that they are run.
With the threat of no longer being able to just turn up and find a spare player teams have had to appoint a manager, create a roster of extra players (Hence the amount of crys for players) and get organised.
This in turn has allowed the team's to sit back and consider that now we have the players what are we going to do... train has been the answer.
Team names, now we have an association that people can relate to we think, we now have the oppertunity to franchise our image, courting the press and other medias... it will not be easy, but as there is more exposure I am sure that awarness will rise making it easier to get coverage.
This again, as had been said before, will make it easier to court local sponsors.
I compiled a list of 220 "Leicester" companies E-mail addresses and only had 2 responses, I hope this will improve in future.
I, and other teams, whole heartedly embraced this concept before the announcement of the Sky deal and feel that it is a positive step in the right direction.
Only time will tell