The tips of the coalition agreed on an intensification of the Waffenrechts. Private weapon closets biometrically are supposed to be secured in the future and should control become unannounced. Leisure time ball game such as Paintball and laser cathedral are forbidden - because they simulate the killing.
Berlin - the reaction of the politics is it on the crazed rampage of Winnenden: Two months after the tragedy, with which Tim K. 15 persons and itself shot, agreed union and SPD on an intensification of the weapon right. The "Berliners reported that newspaper" and the "new Osnabrücker newspaper" concurring.
Accordingly games such as Paintball and laser cathedral should forbidden in the future and offences with a fine covered become by 5000 Euro. In Paintball, also Gotcha named, make the players with color pellet, in Lasergame with laser pistols hunt on each other.
"At the same time becomes the killing simulates", established the deputy union floor leader Wolfgang Bosbach (Christian Democratic Union) the planned ban in the "new Osnabrücker newspaper". The agreement would be voted also with Secretary of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble (Christian Democratic Union), was named it.
Also suspicion independent inspections of possession of firearms had been concluded. "It becomes a duty introduced, inspectors access into the dwelling to grant", said Bosbach. He who would deny that unfounded, had to reckon with the revocation of its weapon permission.
Such inspections are rejected of parts of the union however. The SPD domestic policy Dieter Wiefelspütz said that "Berliner newspaper", it would draw itself also off that the large coalition could agree on the fast introduction of a nationwide weapon index and on an amnesty for owner of illegal weapons.
According to information from the MIRROR alliance and countries had passed notified themselves already in that week a small reform of the Waffenrechts. Accordingly a team of the Ministries of the Interior agreed on suspicion independent inspections, that may take place also against the will of the owner. For more security, a national weapon index and a raising of the least age should provide moreover for the practicing with großkalibrigen sport weapons on 18 years.
A temporally limited amnesty for the owners of illegal weapons should motivate further in addition to deliver weapons and pistols at the police. Passing along suggestions, that were discussed after the crazed rampage by Winnenden, are on the other hand of the table, about a general ban großkalibriger weapons in the shoot sport or the storage of ammunition or weapons in marksman homes.
In the question of the introduction of biometric security systems, the coalition partners were themselves already the end of March united. To be sure the SPD parliamentary group vice body did not express would be at that time objection, the technology yet series ripe. It would last years until it blanketing could be introduced.
there you go