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Geo2 efficiency?


The Moose God
Dec 19, 2004
Batley, Near Leeds
I was getting about 840 shots out of my GEO2.1 on 3000/68 fill.
On my CloneVX, I am getting appx 1160 shots off the same 3000/68. It's not even bedded in yet. From speaking to others, I should get about 1500ish off a 4500/68 fill - then once broken in, i'll get 1700ish shots.

I've not used my Clone VX properly yet. Took it to the site last weekend and put a case through it to bed it in a bit more (at BoB, I was having a lot of barrel breaks). I had the dwell set to 16 and anti bolt stick set to 5. Should have really been running the dwell lower, but was seeing if i'd get more breaks.

What do I love more? The GEO2.1 was beautiful. Smooth, ALWAYS reliable and simple to maintain. The Clone VX - had a few issues from a faulty screen to it shooting between 500-600fps out of the box which blue an adjuster o-ring. Those issues are fixed now though, and I learned a lot about how to fix issues - but it is quite complex - the drive train has a lot of parts and o-rings.


Dec 3, 2008
you wont easily get that out of it, but u will get it, i used a geo2 for best part of 18months and you will get 4pots and a loader on standard setup of gun and 1.1 3k fill, mine is run in now and with dwell knocked down and other tweeks i can get 5 pots and hopper from a 3k fill but im running on fumes after that! thats a honest answer mate!