to all the tournie sup air teams that think woodsball is slow crawling about in the mud games with tippys .think again this is an excellant format with the added extra of having to really think about what your going to do next so for new teams this is a brilliant way to progress maybe oneday into supair at a fraction of the price as generally you use less paint as it is more about movement and finding the right positions.most guys at these events use ego,s ,dm,s and shockers etc etc.so if you fancy a taste get yourself along to the next event,as this last one was absolutely brilliant.this was my first woodland tournie and i for one will be at the next one,used to play sup air but the body can,t take it anymore but i am a big convert to this,it still has some of the pace of sup air but with a more relaxed atmosphere and with a organiser like bully and his team you know it,s going to be good.so for the newbies to this sport wether in a team or not get yourself along to these events,three new teams have formed already from these events as you can turn up as an individual and you will be tagged onto a team or if there is enough individuals players a team will be made up of these players,for the older guys like venom
it also give them the chance to still cut it with the young guys as its not all about being quick and being able to shoot fast,so next time you see one of these events get off your ass and try it you will be amazed there is something there for most levels of player.at the next event hope to see even more new faces
think this will be on the 25th of may so make a note of this date and come you won,t regret it