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G20 Summit


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
The whole point of the summit is in the theatre of politics ,show everybody that our world leaders get on with things ,give the Queen a chance to pat Obama's bottom whilst Phillip asks him 'if one wouldn't mind going round the skirting once one's cleaned the lavatory' ,all this stuff is sorted out waay before the summit ,makes you wonder why all these smelly hippies waste there time smashing up the RBS ,I found that kind of funny ...all the way to London to smash up The Royal Bank of Scotland,I could of saved them the journey and nipped down the high street an lobbed a brick at Sammy the Supersaver Squirrel outside.

By the way Stongle ..was that you waving tenners at the wiggers?


I'm a love Albatross.
Aug 18, 2006
Carlisle/ Leeds
I know this is a really low scale version but my mum works for the city council as a finance director and recently became president of some board of treasurers. I won't pretend I know what that means!

But anyway, at least once or twice a week she has to travel to London from Carlisle and back to go to dinners and meetings at the expense of the council.

All I'm saying is that these sorts of travel expenses occour everywhere for goverments and councils and I just don't think that the same discussions can be had over a video or phone than face to face, it's benificial to do it the way they did, brought a lot of press but at the same time it's not like they're doing it every 6 months, it's expensive, but it doesn't happen a lot!



Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
I think the reason for a meeting in the flesh is so the power hungry mob can flex a little and the nice chilled calm cool guys dont get to say what they really want to.

Go no further then using the internet to chat to people, some 8 stone 15 year old gets to say to a cage fighter double his weight with a body like incredible hulk "i could easy knock you out" knowing full well he gets bullied by girls of 11 at school lol!

Dont get me wrong i think modern technology is a great thing and helps to eliminate discrimination but its a proven fact that alot of human communication is done via body language and pheromones etc :D

You need to stand at the next elections, your subtle way of describing things would certainly help this country, there again we may need to employ some top people around you to help with other decisions lol:D


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
By the way Stongle ..was that you waving tenners at the wiggers?
Not this year. Played golf instead. To be honest, this years "protesters" looked like a bunch of GCSE school leavers on a day out. Not like the loons in 99. On reflection, spraying em with champagne wasn't the best of idea's thus turning the LIFFE building and Cannon Street in to a warzone.