I've had a couple here and there that stand out as funny incidents, some not entirely on the field but they qualify as paintball incidents none the less. First I'll mention all the stupid things I've done:
1. Playing hopperball (which I hate), I tried to get a full load in so that I'd at least be confident about it. No, I'm not that bad of a shot but I like to have paint on me in case something goes not according to plan. Off the break, I run up the top tape and see an easy shot at my mirror... POPOPOPOP *air not balls* I check my Revo to see if it's on. Yep. HERE COMES PAINT. Oh crap I packed it too full!! I open the lid to get some out so it'll feed...and get lit up. Pissed off I hold my gun up in the air, and all that paint comes rolling right out.
2. 3man tourney, finals. I throw more paint and 3x more trash talk than usual to take out the left tape, which I do successfully. Unfortunately I run out of paint soon thereafter, so nothing left to lose I go on a flag run. I try to get down fast to avoid the paint coming at me and DO NOT MAKE IT. Rather, I slip one something, God only knows exactly what, and I do a belly flop with the refs and all but 2 other teams out of the whole tourney watching. Gun goes one way, hopper the other, I another, all covered with paint. We win, but I have to ask the refs for some extra time between games to reload with paint and clean myself off.
3. Driving to a distant tourney LATE. I was driving alone to a field I'd never been to which was out of state and I had only a rudimentary map with a few roads labeled wrong. For some reason, I end up in a town so far out that no gas (petrol) stations are open still, can't find a hotel and I NEED TO TAKE A CRAP BADLY. I drive around everywhere looking for some place to go, finding nothing. So naturally I look for somewhere close enough to where I can JUST get to it in time. No such luck. I soil myself slightly. Aha! I see an unlit house that no one is parked at... Thinking fast, and moving even faster, I park the car in some place unlit, turn out the headlights but keep it running, go to the nearest bush up next to the house to avoid any police or indignant neighbors, drop my pants, experience tremendous relief, and thinking "blah, they're soiled anyway" take off my underwear and wipe my ass with them and leave them there. Oh wait...that's not all. I wipe my hand off on the nearest plant, which turns out to be a rather healthy marijuana plant. I HAUL ASS OUT OF THERE IMMEDIATELY TO AVOID GETTING SHOT. I make it to the hotel 6 hours before needing to meet my team that morning, play with a borrowed gun cause mine's down, and have the crappiest day of paintball I've ever had.
More forthcoming, but I'm dozing off right now...