Now thats what I like
See all this cammerarderie (did I spell it right) In answer to all these questions above
Peterborough is In east Anglia about 80 miles north of London, I actually live in Vienna in Austria at the moment but I fly home there at weekends.
I think Midland masters sounds good to me

As for series 2002 I do need 7 men for some times and 5 for others So I still need those two extra's!
Yes I realy would like to do ALL the Milleniums next year Although I am aware that getting 7 guys to be able to do this is no mean feat in itself, fair play to all the teams that do manage it! Apart from all the gadgets and toys ( love gadgets and toys check out my Robot ha ha) I am impressed by the fact that I can shoot you guys and then all laugh about it after! ( unless your called tantrum tom) ha ha.
This is what impressed me about Paintball and helped me decide to set up a new team from scratch. I also think as a sport its going to get large and sexy and wanted to be part of that to

I see it going the same route that snowboarding has.
As for RED well after many meetings we realy just could not think of a name at all. We did come up with
"P'tang P'tang ol'e Buiscuit barrel" ha ha but I thought that a bit off the wall (my team disagree's) Anyway Nick who is a designer came up with RED (designer types) And then he came up with
"Youre RED or Youre Dead" and I thought yep that'll do got a ring to it nice and simple

So RED was born and we will see how we do I suppose! First tourney on Sunday At Bullswood wish us luck I will post our results on here next week with either a

or a

ha ha ha
Youre RED or Youre Dead!!!
See me this year in Heat L Robot Wars series 5 Against Pussycat
Al I checked Your site ages ago when I was trying to learn as much about paintball as i could

Its in my Favs as Teams to beat in the UK
John I am 17 er I mean 37 damn

But I feel 17 so does that count at all?