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Full Auto - Legal in UK?


Ambassador of BOING!
Ah, you'd think so Steve, wouldn't you? :p

It then goes on to state that there is no requirement for it to be harmful, but if it could be modified or put to use to cause harm, then it also comes under the classification of a firearm.

This was due to people using metal tubes with nails in to fire shotgun cartridges to cause harm to others, so the legislation got a bit of a tidy up.....it also then causes an airgun to be a firearm, though not a prohibited one.


New Member
May 12, 2003
Pompey in'it
So bored of this topic its untrue...the one thing that always amuses me are how naive people can be,

I mean the tax comments haha, when was the last time you saw a...oh never mind you get the gist!

Now on to a completely new topic never before discussed:

TJ is actually a female rabbit burrowed deep beneath PGI Towers....


RIP - Keltic Warriors
Feb 28, 2002
Leeds....eh up lad!!
Originally posted by Pump'n'Splat
To Define under the eyes of the law..i've studied this from a number of angles from a police point of view, using police documents and handbooks/guidelines for officers and:

A) AU - As i've mentioned in another thread, for those of us up here in God's country - more than one missile ejected per trigger pull is ILLEGAL in scotland, it is classed as a section 5 firearm in this case. in Scotland, paintball guns have no seperate classification and fall under airgun legislation. Again as stated in another thread, the reason paintball was banned in scotland for (12?) years was due to a marker at bedlam firing in excess of one trigger pull per shot. The police attended, put markers as a whole through the ringer (firing ball bearings at a pigs skull from a distance of about two feet, if what i'm told is true) and then declared them, and therefore the sport, illegal. It was only when a different firearms specialist was appointed that the UK legislation was looked at, and markers returned to legality in Scotland, but without the "adventure sport" adendum that the UK enjoys, see below.
The "Pigs Skull" was in fact Human body of an old guy that donated his body to medical science and the test involved firing a plastacine coated ball bearing (to get an air tight fit) from less than 12" away

The court case went on the basis "if missused" (firing anything other than normal paintballs) a paintball marker could be a dangerous/lethal item and were definately classed as "NOT BEING TOYS"