The ban on full-auto markers in this country is by agreement with industry, tournement organisers and police advisors. If you guys want to push for full auto, take note that the police have already stated that if there was an accident with a marker firing at full-auto they would deem that weapon as a firearm, and because there are no hard and fast legal standing, it would go to court to make that decision. As soon as this goes to court then the profile of paintball as a dangerous gun ho game is established. Insurance companies wildly increase or completely drop cover, newpapers have a field day and the courts will be forced to lay down arbitary laws which could ban paintball in this country. (UPS have already decided that markers are replica guns and will not ship them in this country, but will in the United States.)
If we run the sport sensibly and self regulate effectively then we will not invoke any legal involvement. I would rather paintball be regulated by people who know about paintball, than by the police, government or joe-public.
In the US some States have made full-auto totally illegal and in the others full auto is banned in tournaments and the way we set out our rules are based on that model, better to be safe than sorry.
If you guys want to push this any further just because of the bounce rule, think of the wider issues. The London Metroploitian Police force have made their recommendations and they have stated what they think of full-auto markers
UK paintball does not need full auto and cannot survive with full auto. And any push to allow full auto will ruin all the work done over the last year to raise the profile of the sport.