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Four seasons tournament


"I'm at the front"
Legion are going to running another tournament at some point during the summer, it will be in the Warrington area but at a new venue... (16 team, 2 division, centre flag, woodland/speedball).
The change of name came about through people just thinking Charlie Don't Surf were a good laugh, but never really doing anything in a tourny. So when a number of the team said no enough is enough, change the name of one of the teams get rid of any dead wood.. have a new approach, new image and low and behold we have now started doing OK later this year our B team 'Charlie Don't Surf' will be following suit and going under the banner of Legion II.
Cheers for asking no one else has :) :)


been there, done it.....
Sep 24, 2001
Off the field, way off
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If the interest carries on!

What a turn around, a few years ago there were very few tournies in the Midlands, and now look at it, a players paradise.
But players are complaining, why?
I for one am most pleased to see the Four Seasons back on the calender, co's it's something that I helped to create, and it gives players a choice, and allows players the option of playing more. It is also very good for the organisers of events, because it keeps us on our toes making sure we don't forget why we are here, to provide a service for you the players.
Now with Steves Series 2002, the Midlands Masters, and the welcome return of the Four Seasons, ( that's 22 events ) what excuse can you the Teams in the Midlands have for not improving?.Hopefully now we will see some of these teams scale the dizzy heights to top the UK scene.

I have to agree that open critisism is none constructive, and damaging to our sport, we are best served by making constructive requests, and helpfull suggestions, that way we will all benefit.

Sad UK/Midlands Masters


Jul 7, 2001
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Woodland is still very cool, but MORE SUP'AIR!!!!!!


I think that every rich person in the paintball community should by a huge piece of land, build a huge stadium, and let us use it exclusively for Sup'air tourneys TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE!! SUPERB!!!!

Woodland's still kool though.....


captain col

Team Daddy Phoenix 5
Mar 11, 2002
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HEAR HEAR !!!!!!!!!

As a team captain i must say all this sort of talk will not help our sport,and as was said more torny's means more choice,but bitching gets us nowhere.I agree we all can have a moan when we play but to slag off the event before it has even been played is just wrong.
I am glad to see the comments on this subject got sensible at last,we must not forget that as players we need the torny organisers but the they also need us the players.
Having played at torny's run by team SAD and torny's that were the organisers first event i for one hope this sort of talk is just a one off.
Only one thing left to say.


You pay's your money you shoot your choice.