Well, thank-you very muchos for that clarification Pipes, I was feeling kinda lonely out there 
I think the only thing that needs explaining is my decision to delete the master's forum which on the face of it seems like some unthinking indulgence on my part, and I can't really blame anybody for believing as much .... that's mainly because they won't be party to events preceding my action.
I'm not sure I can explain it without compromising the privacy of Federation business but after reflecting on this problem for a while, I have come to the conclusion that everything I might need to discuss was within the public domain anyway, leastwise on these boards somewhere.
And so, here it is :-
Last year when the board was created, wendy was invited along because we were well aware we would need promoters when we embarked upon our program for the coming year [2009] .
At that first meeting, we agreed that UK ball was at an all time low and needed some desperate help.
Jim Frensham, at that meeting, put the point to wendy, and she conceded afterwards, that the product she was serving up for the UK player was one of the reasons UK ball was declining.
The event product had to change if we were to save UK tournament Paintball.
There were far too many events with far too many teams not turning up for them; the number of events had to be reduced to give those that were held, a better chance of survival ... no real rocket science or surprises so far ...
Our formula to appease this problem was simple, we run 6 events in the midlands /north [Masters] and 6 events in the south [NSPL].
As an integral part of this proposal, it meant wendy had to withdraw from promoting her southern events to allow the NSPL to gain some degree of traction in the south thus creating a healthier event series.
As an offset to any money lost from wendy's southern events, it was proposed she be given the Fed Cup [along with Chris] to recoup some of that capital.
On top of that, the Federation's sanctioning of her 6 events would mean they would be better attended because industry board members would all send their teams as well as providing vendor stands, both these helping to increase the money she had coming in.
Basically, wendy gave her word to the board and to Chris Pelling [NSPL] that she would remain out of the south.
There was no time period affixed to this promise merely her word being accepted by us on the board and by Chris Pelling.
So far so good .....
That was until all the board members received an email telling us she is moving back into the south because she needed more money.
Now, call me stupid, call me what you like but I would have presumed that any change to her word might have meant she gave the board [and Chris Pelling] some opportunity to discuss the situation prior to her breaking her word.
No such opportunity was given.
The Federation is never going to tell its promoters how much to earn or how they earn it, this is not our business ...but, if you give your word to us, then it's basic manners to discuss the situation before you declare you are breaking it ... it's also professional.
When I received this email, I immediately deleted her forum from my site, it was a knee-jerk reaction based upon the following reasons and I realised it would cause some players a slight problem, and for that, I make a genuine apology.
I make no apology for anything else mind you.
P8ntballer.com survives because people pay to promote their businesses, they take out banner ads and have company forums, basically my site is a commercial operation.
One of the true ironies to this whole episode is, the email wendy sent to us telling us she was moving back into the south was entitled,'commercial decision' .. I say 'irony' because wendy has never paid a damned cent to promote her business on my website ... not a cent, I allowed it to be on my site for free and for somebody who takes tens of thousands of pounds from you guys, she sure didn't aim any of it this way.
To be fair, I have never asked for any but that's not the point ...... and so, my deletion of her forum was ironically a true 'commercial decision' in that I got rid of something that wasn't earning me a penny but was still promoting her business.
But that's not the whole story here, would that it were .....
Nah, the real reason I got pissed off was this.
The only reason I got involved in all this Fed stuff was to hopefully steer our event series back to some form of health.
That's what I, and others, have been working toward.
I think you have to ask yourself as to people's motives here, do I earn any money from a healthier event circuit?
Who does earn ..... and earn a facking lot of dosh?
Tens of frikkin thousands of dosh .....
Have a wild stab into the dark just who could be earning all these tens of thousands .... and as a little clue to this investigation ....It sure as sh!t ain't me !!!!!!!!!!!
That acknowledged, let's look at the reason wendy gave to justify her move back into the south ... 'she needed more money', her words not mine.
Now, if just last year, she had readily acknowledged the reasons UK ball was in such a state, those of too many events in the south and the standard of events at that time, then there is no way she can reconcile her alleged 'best interests for the UK baller' with what she had just done by moving back into the south; not only had she broken her word, she also decided to compete with the Fed's NSPL events thus duplicating the very thing she acknowledged was one of the reasons UK ball was in such a state .... it's truly insane and can only be reconciled when you appreciate what's fuelling this madness ...... MONEY!!!!!
She was diluting the number of players who could attend each event thus decreasing the profitability of each event therefore compromising everything because...........she 'needed more money' ...... remember once again here, her words not mine!!!!!
THAT is why I was soo pissed off and deleted her forum, I wasn't going to allow my site to be used to promote her events to earn her more money at the expense of UK Paintball ........... call me irresponsible, call me what you like but my actions ain't motivated by money, hers are, she admits as much - go ask yourself what my motives are ........ and when you realise what they are, you can maybe understand my actions.
I'm Done ....................... in more ways than one !!!!!
PS Everything I have said in this post is the truth, if a certain person suggests anything different, then I'm afraid they are lying; the difference being, I can back my side up with the Federation Board and all its members who were present when things I have referred to were said or decided, the person taking another view has only themselves as witness.
I think the only thing that needs explaining is my decision to delete the master's forum which on the face of it seems like some unthinking indulgence on my part, and I can't really blame anybody for believing as much .... that's mainly because they won't be party to events preceding my action.
I'm not sure I can explain it without compromising the privacy of Federation business but after reflecting on this problem for a while, I have come to the conclusion that everything I might need to discuss was within the public domain anyway, leastwise on these boards somewhere.
And so, here it is :-
Last year when the board was created, wendy was invited along because we were well aware we would need promoters when we embarked upon our program for the coming year [2009] .
At that first meeting, we agreed that UK ball was at an all time low and needed some desperate help.
Jim Frensham, at that meeting, put the point to wendy, and she conceded afterwards, that the product she was serving up for the UK player was one of the reasons UK ball was declining.
The event product had to change if we were to save UK tournament Paintball.
There were far too many events with far too many teams not turning up for them; the number of events had to be reduced to give those that were held, a better chance of survival ... no real rocket science or surprises so far ...
Our formula to appease this problem was simple, we run 6 events in the midlands /north [Masters] and 6 events in the south [NSPL].
As an integral part of this proposal, it meant wendy had to withdraw from promoting her southern events to allow the NSPL to gain some degree of traction in the south thus creating a healthier event series.
As an offset to any money lost from wendy's southern events, it was proposed she be given the Fed Cup [along with Chris] to recoup some of that capital.
On top of that, the Federation's sanctioning of her 6 events would mean they would be better attended because industry board members would all send their teams as well as providing vendor stands, both these helping to increase the money she had coming in.
Basically, wendy gave her word to the board and to Chris Pelling [NSPL] that she would remain out of the south.
There was no time period affixed to this promise merely her word being accepted by us on the board and by Chris Pelling.
So far so good .....
That was until all the board members received an email telling us she is moving back into the south because she needed more money.
Now, call me stupid, call me what you like but I would have presumed that any change to her word might have meant she gave the board [and Chris Pelling] some opportunity to discuss the situation prior to her breaking her word.
No such opportunity was given.
The Federation is never going to tell its promoters how much to earn or how they earn it, this is not our business ...but, if you give your word to us, then it's basic manners to discuss the situation before you declare you are breaking it ... it's also professional.
When I received this email, I immediately deleted her forum from my site, it was a knee-jerk reaction based upon the following reasons and I realised it would cause some players a slight problem, and for that, I make a genuine apology.
I make no apology for anything else mind you.
P8ntballer.com survives because people pay to promote their businesses, they take out banner ads and have company forums, basically my site is a commercial operation.
One of the true ironies to this whole episode is, the email wendy sent to us telling us she was moving back into the south was entitled,'commercial decision' .. I say 'irony' because wendy has never paid a damned cent to promote her business on my website ... not a cent, I allowed it to be on my site for free and for somebody who takes tens of thousands of pounds from you guys, she sure didn't aim any of it this way.
To be fair, I have never asked for any but that's not the point ...... and so, my deletion of her forum was ironically a true 'commercial decision' in that I got rid of something that wasn't earning me a penny but was still promoting her business.
But that's not the whole story here, would that it were .....
Nah, the real reason I got pissed off was this.
The only reason I got involved in all this Fed stuff was to hopefully steer our event series back to some form of health.
That's what I, and others, have been working toward.
I think you have to ask yourself as to people's motives here, do I earn any money from a healthier event circuit?
Who does earn ..... and earn a facking lot of dosh?
Tens of frikkin thousands of dosh .....
Have a wild stab into the dark just who could be earning all these tens of thousands .... and as a little clue to this investigation ....It sure as sh!t ain't me !!!!!!!!!!!
That acknowledged, let's look at the reason wendy gave to justify her move back into the south ... 'she needed more money', her words not mine.
Now, if just last year, she had readily acknowledged the reasons UK ball was in such a state, those of too many events in the south and the standard of events at that time, then there is no way she can reconcile her alleged 'best interests for the UK baller' with what she had just done by moving back into the south; not only had she broken her word, she also decided to compete with the Fed's NSPL events thus duplicating the very thing she acknowledged was one of the reasons UK ball was in such a state .... it's truly insane and can only be reconciled when you appreciate what's fuelling this madness ...... MONEY!!!!!
She was diluting the number of players who could attend each event thus decreasing the profitability of each event therefore compromising everything because...........she 'needed more money' ...... remember once again here, her words not mine!!!!!
THAT is why I was soo pissed off and deleted her forum, I wasn't going to allow my site to be used to promote her events to earn her more money at the expense of UK Paintball ........... call me irresponsible, call me what you like but my actions ain't motivated by money, hers are, she admits as much - go ask yourself what my motives are ........ and when you realise what they are, you can maybe understand my actions.
I'm Done ....................... in more ways than one !!!!!
PS Everything I have said in this post is the truth, if a certain person suggests anything different, then I'm afraid they are lying; the difference being, I can back my side up with the Federation Board and all its members who were present when things I have referred to were said or decided, the person taking another view has only themselves as witness.