My advice is don't pay for Ebay fees by Paypal as I had my account hacked. They told me it had been and that the fraud that had been atemptedwould have the fees wiped off. They didn't and took out my paypal, now having a night mare trying to get best part hundred pounds back. Also paypal isworth jack **** as never get paid from them if it goes wrong !! Gizmos sent half the order I placed with them , tried to claim and Gizmos showed proof of carriage. Although proof was for stuff I got Paypal did jack **** !!
As someone said busy time of year,hackers,fraudsters all doing their bit and Paypal are just being over cautious,I've had similair with payments in and out.
As for your's Shad', I'm get a few regular fraudulent paypal attempts via bogus Ebay accounts,just click on reply and see what address comes up,or better still forward them to PP or Ebay.
They are getting good,disputes,goods not arriving,ready to buy,etc,when you click on the link it ask's for your log-on info etc....just don't get caught out by them.
Don't mention the devils-incarnate bunch of tossers Gizmo's..we sorted them...