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New Member
Dec 5, 2006
Northumberland UK
get on limewire, download the bleep test. mark out a 20 m distance, and .... do the bleep test over and over until you either chuck up, or pass out.... welcome to rugby training.....
I HATED that when I was in school. I nearly always had an excuse note for PE on Bleep Test / Cross Country days! :D


Banned in 3 days..
Dec 20, 2006
I need to get my fitness level back up... Will these suffice;

Sprint - Fast walk/Jog and repeat - without then with bottles of water in pack
Shuttle runs - without then with bottles of water in pack
I'll do the above till I'm knackered

I should be cycling again next month - BMXing and riding to work and back aslong as it isn't snowy/icey, and I'll probably go on random walks...

What can I do to improve my upper arm strength - I don't want to make my muscles bigger just, need them a bit stronger as I've been feeling the burn holding up a marker for a lengthy period :eek:... hold our a pot of paint till the arm gets tired, relax then do it again until I can't?

Dunno... just thinking of ideas - I don't wanna go to the gym basically! :rolleyes:
on weights to a comfertable weights you can do , so say you can rep 20 then rest 2 mins then ul probably only be able to do 15 then rest 2 mins then do more ul probably be able to do 10 etc...

idealy do about 4 sets a day :D

then work on upper body for holding the gat, working ur pecs etc.....(using a weights bar or single weights )

then abdominals for sanpping etc..... (sit ups)

hope this helps


p.s your only doing good (your muscles are increasing) when you are feeling the buring in ur muscles .


"Acta Non Verba" - London Fearless Massive
Apr 19, 2005
Brentwood, Essex
my brother does a lot of indoor climbing which really helps with lower back forearms finger strength and shoulder strength! he said that may help if you look at getting into that once a week!


Ir3 not Ion
Jan 22, 2007
fitness and bad knees

a couple of small questions regarding fitness/athleticism.

I'm a noob and have only played a few times at "punter days", however as paintball is to become my summer hobby i was just wondering, what level of fitness is actually required at a walk on, rec and/or sup air level, i know this is a kind of silly question as you cant grade fitness out of 10 but I'm sure some one can give a rough guide. i play rugby, second row, and was just wondering if this should give enough fitness or the right fitness.

the second question which follows and is in regards to athleticism. i have recently done in my knee and do not know how long it will be until its back to full strength. so i was wondering is it possible to play a part without having to sprint/run every ware. I don't mean can i just strole (sp) around, as i know that would be silly, but is it possible to move at a jogging pace. again both walk on, rec and sup air perspectives would be nice.


Rebel 105

Red Team
Feb 10, 2006
Alsager, Cheshire
a couple of small questions regarding fitness/athleticism.

I'm a noob and have only played a few times at "punter days", however as paintball is to become my summer hobby i was just wondering, what level of fitness is actually required at a walk on, rec and/or sup air level, i know this is a kind of silly question as you cant grade fitness out of 10 but I'm sure some one can give a rough guide. i play rugby, second row, and was just wondering if this should give enough fitness or the right fitness.

the second question which follows and is in regards to athleticism. i have recently done in my knee and do not know how long it will be until its back to full strength. so i was wondering is it possible to play a part without having to sprint/run every ware. I don't mean can i just strole (sp) around, as i know that would be silly, but is it possible to move at a jogging pace. again both walk on, rec and sup air perspectives would be nice.


Yeah at walk-ons walking and light jog is just good, just light jog between cover, and don't play aggressivley as you would normaly would. :)